Page 68 of Break the Ice

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“The only game that matters is on the ice.”

“Amen, bro. A-fucking-men.” Austin lifted his can of soda and tilted it in my direction. “We’re going all the way this season, assholes. I can feel it in my bones.”

“I can feel something in my bone-er. Larissa Cummings.” Leon waggled his brows as he read out her number. “Fuck, even her name is hot.”

“There is something very wrong with you,” I said.

“Takes one to know one, Holden.”

“What—fuck.” I ran a hand over my face, trying to figure out an escape route.

Sam was headed in my direction, and she looked needy. But there was no way out, and from the glint in her eye, she knew it.

“Hi guys, mind if I sit? It’s been a shitty morning.”

“What’s up?” I asked, shifting up a little to give her plenty of space.

“I barely slept. I thought I heard something at my window.”

“Sam, you live on the third floor.”

“I know that, Noah.” She tsked. “But I heard what I heard, and then I totally freaked myself out. So I was wondering… stay with me tonight?”

“Sam… we’ve been over this.” I lowered my voice. “I can’t.”

“Why? Are you seeing somebody?”

“No, that’s not… no.” I glanced around, grateful that everyone had found something more interesting to focus on than our conversation. “I just don’t think it’s healthy for you to depend on me when we’re not together.”

“But we’re friends. And it never bothered you before.”

It hadn’t. I liked hanging out with her. It was different to constantly being around the guys. And yeah, it came with the added bonus of no-strings orgasms.

At least, it had until she started to get clingy.

“It’s different now,” I said. “You—”

“Jeez, Noah. You’re acting like I proposed. I know the deal. I just thought… forget it. I’m sure Ward will come over and keep me company.”

“It won’t work, you know.”

“What won’t?”

“Trying to make me jealous.”

Sam stared at me as if she was searching for something. Whatever it was, I doubted she would find it. I couldn’t change the way I felt, and it wasn’t fair to lead her on.

“Then there shouldn’t be any problem then.” She got up and walked off, and I let out a weary sigh, dragging a hand over my jaw.

“She’s really laying it on thick,” Mase said.

“You’re telling me,” I mumbled.

“You did the right thing. Set and enforce clear boundaries. She’ll get the hint eventually.”

“Yeah. I’m going to hit the gym.”

“Again? Don’t you have a one o’clock class?”
