Page 69 of Break the Ice

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“Yeah, but I can squeeze in a quick workout.”

I needed to burn some energy and try to take my mind off things.

“You’re a machine, Holden.” He chuckled.

Not really.

I just needed the distraction.

More than ever since Aurora arrived.

“Noah, son, take a seat.” Coach Tucker motioned for me to sit, and I dropped down, feeling the walls close in around me.

I both loved and hated it in here.

It wasn’t that his office wasn’t a nice space. It was. Light, airy, a trophy cabinet full of all his silverware. But being hauled in here usually meant one of two things. Bad news or bad fucking news.

“What’s up, Coach?” I asked, tapping my knee rhythmically.

“Tell me you’ve got a plan to lift your GPA, son. Because I’m looking at your transcripts, and I’m concerned.”

“It’s all in hand, Coach. I struggled with some of my classes last semester. But my credits are a breeze this year. You don’t need to worry.”

“Except I am.” He threw the envelope onto the desk. “I’ll level with you, Noah. Here at LU, we pride ourselves on being the best. But that means the best versions of ourselves off the ice as well as on it. If your GPA slips any lower—”

“It won’t, sir. I promise. I’ll turn things around.”

Because I didn’t have any choice.

“Glad to hear it, son. We have a big season ahead of us. No one wants a repeat of last year.”

“I’ve got this,” I said, unsure who I was trying to convince more—him or myself.

“Good. Now get out of here.”

“Thanks, Coach.” I got up and made my way to the door, but his voice gave me pause.

“And, Noah?”

“Yeah, Coach?”

“Freshman year is done. Over. The hard work starts now.”

I nodded, fighting the urge to flinch at his words.

The hard work starts now.

How many times had my old man said that to me growing up? How many times had it been followed by a barrage of insults and disappointment? I wasn’t smart enough. I didn’t have his genes. I wasn’t his kid.

Of course, I was his fucking kid; I was his carbon copy—same dark unruly hair, defined jawline, and dark brown eyes. Except, he never smiled. So I’d made it my mission in life to smile as much as I could, even when it was fake, even when it was the last thing I wanted to do.

Because not turning out like him became the only thing that kept me going.

“What did Coach want?” Aiden caught me outside his office.

“Just wanted to touch base.”

“Everything good?”
