Page 78 of Break the Ice

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“Sorry, who the fuck are you again?”

“I’m Aurora’s friend, and you’re an asshole, Mason Steele.”

“Friend, sure. Because we all want a friend who sells us out to our brother and his friends. Way to go, blondie.” He turned his attention to Austin. “Hit me up with one of those dogs. I’m starving.”

Harper looked at me, her expression a little crestfallen. “Aurora, I didn’t—I have a habit of getting over-invested. I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.”

“Relax, Rory’s fine, right?” Austin slung his arm around her shoulder and held my stare. “You are okay, right?”

“I’m fine,” I said, wanting to disappear.

“Good.” He gave me a small nod, turning his attention back on Harper. “You hungry?”

“Always.” But she wasn’t looking at my brother…

She was looking at Noah.

“I think I’m going to grab a sweater,” I said. “Will you be okay?”

“Of course, she will.” Austin guided her toward the table. “We’ll look out for her.”

“Right.” I headed toward the house, but not before glancing back at them. Harper was the center of attention, completely at home with a group of guys she barely knew.

She said something, and Noah exploded with laughter, the two of them leaning in close, continuing whatever joke they were sharing.

My stomach tumbled, and I ducked into the house, my mind running a mile a minute.

For as much as I wanted Lakeshore to be my fresh start, it felt an awful lot like high school all over again.

Even when I’d been with Ben, it didn’t stop the intense feelings of worthlessness I felt every time we were around his friends. I knew everyone thought he could do better than me because I thought it. But thinking it about yourself and having other people constantly point it out was like a tiny hammer chipping away at your soul. Over and over until there was nothing left but a gaping hole inside you.

He’d told me to ignore them, that they were only jealous, but some of the worst moments in my life were overhearing cruel comments about our relationship.

Why is he with her?

He could do so much better.

She’s definitely punching above her weight.

She must be paying him to date her.

Even when people thought they were being complimentary—talking about my big boobs or shapely ass—it hurt. Because being reduced to nothing more than skin and bones and flesh was dehumanizing.

I hurried to the downstairs bathroom and locked myself inside.

I needed a minute.

It wasn’t like I could even go out there and eat my feelings away. Because if I started…


It wasn’t an option.

Knowing my luck, if I relaxed my diet a little, I wouldn’t only gain the freshman fifteen, I’d gain the freshman twenty-one, and then there would be no hope of ever getting it off.

Five minutes passed. Then ten. But nobody came after me.

Why would they?
