Page 82 of Break the Ice

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And part of me was proud of her for standing up to me. For calling me out on my bullshit and demanding an explanation. But I couldn’t walk this path with her.

I wouldn’t.

So I said the only thing I could think of to draw an impenetrable line between us.

“It was a mistake.”

“What are you two doing over there?” Austin called over to the girls.

After we’d come back downstairs, Aurora kept her distance, choosing to sit as far away from me as possible.

I didn’t blame her.

I’d been a total asshole.

Much to Austin’s disappointment, Harper had joined her, and the two of them spent the last thirty minutes laughing and giggling at whatever they were looking at on Harper’s phone.

Aurora was putting on a brave front, though. Connor and Austin might not have noticed, but I did.

I was noticing too much about her lately.

“You know, it’s rude to share private jokes when you’re not in private,” Connor said, sipping his beer.

“If you must know, we’re looking at Austen memes.”

“Don’t look at me,” Austin groaned. “It’s Aus-ten, not Aus-tin.”

“The author who wrote that Darcy dude chicks go ga-ga over?”

“Yep. We’re both huge fans.” Harper nudged her shoulder, and Aurora flushed.

“I’m not obsessed or anything.”

“I don’t get it.” Austin sat back in his chair and ran a hand through his hair. “What’s so special about him?”

“Rich, handsome, and an avid lover of the written word. What’s not to love?” Harper shrugged.

“It’s more than that,” Aurora said, surprising the shit out of me.

She’d been quiet since we came downstairs. Laughing and joking with Harper, sure, but she’d avoided any of our wider group discussions.

“Enlighten us, little Hart. Maybe these assholes will learn a thing or two.” Connor winked at me, and I flipped him off discreetly.

“Mr. Darcy is the epitome of a gentleman,” she said quietly. “He didn’t try to change Elizabeth or mold her into what he thought she should be. He treated people, even those outside his own social standing, with dignity and respect, but above all, he was open and honest, and he loved Elizabeth not for what she was, but who she was.”

“Sounds like a snooze fest, if you ask me,” Mason said.

“You would say that.” Harper sneered, and the two of them shared a hostile look.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

An icy chill went through the air.

“Come on,” she scoffed, “you all walk around campus like God’s gift to women.”

“So you haven’t been batting your eyelashes at Holden for the last hour, throwing out major ‘I want to ride your stick’ vibes?” His brow cocked with contempt.

“I… that is not the point.” Harper stuttered, turning beet red, and Aurora paled.
