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Kenna gave Hillary a pitying frown. “At one time, I thought you were a friend. Then I learned you only saw me as a rival and you betrayed meandMax. Now I don’t care what you think of me or that Max and I are together. We want nothing to do with you. You’re nothing to us now.”

“Fuck you.” Hillary raged.

“Get out.” Aria took a step toward Hillary, backing her up a step with the rage rolling off her.

This time the crowd really got into it when Jax started off the chant, “Get out. Get out. Get out.”

Hillary huffed out an angry snarl, spun on her toes, and stomped her way to the door and right out it.

“Good riddance.” Kenna held her drink up in a toast, then downed half of it.

Aria turned to Kenna. “I’m sorry. I should have warned you.”

“It’s okay. She’s the one who made a fool out of herself. She’s just bitter and angry that her life turned out the way it did. I feel sorry for her, going after guys theway she does, in some desperate attempt to make them love her.”

“It didn’t work with Max. Dan fell for it and went back for seconds and thirds and so on.” Beneath the bitter words rang Aria’s hurt and pain.

“His loss,” Max said. “You’re better off without him.”

“He doesn’t deserve a good woman like you,” Kenna agreed.

Jax glared over at a nearby table where Lyric set a beer in front of the biker guy and walked back to the kitchen. “I don’t know what is going on with those two, but I appreciate him looking out for my sister.”

Max thought the exchange was odd, too. The guy didn’t talk to Lyric. She didn’t say anything to him. Every once in a while, the guy glanced at her through the pass-through window, then shifted his focus right back to his beer and the guy he was with.

Not once did he look at or acknowledge Max, and Max knew why and kept his mouth shut.

Jax smacked Max on the back. “You two have a good night. I’m taking Aria to the back office to cool down.”

Aria kissed Max on the cheek. “She got what she deserved.”

“But you didn’t. I’m sorry about that asshole.” He felt really bad about what happened and that his cousin got hurt the same way he and Kenna had been hurt by Hillary.

Some people were just toxic.

“I’m not sorry at all. I’d rather find out now that he’s a liar and a cheater than waste any more of my time on him.”

Kenna reached across the table and squeezed Aria’s hand. “There’s a good guy out there for you.”

She shrugged like she wasn’t so sure about that. “I’m happy you got yours back. Give Hillary a big f-you and be happy.”

“We will,” Kenna assured her.

“Enjoy the rest of your night. I’ll send Melody back with another round.”

Max watched his cousins walk away. “I hope that asshole knows what’s good for him and stays away from her.”

Kenna eyed him. “Did you know about all this?”

“No. I knew Aria and Dan’s relationship seemed strained lately. I never suspected him of cheating. I never saw him with Hillary. If I had, I would have warned him away from her and told Aria to keep an eye on things.” Max downed the last sip of his beer. “I guess she didn’t need me to warn her.”

“She knew about Hillary because of what happened to us.”

“Yeah. And now it’s done and in the past, and you and I are going to be nothing but happy. We won’t let anyone come between us again.”

Melody arrived with their drinks. “Sounds like you two should drink to that.” She handed over the glasses and took off for the next table.

Max held his beer up.
