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MAX:The life we planned

MAX:Everything! Now!

Her heart soared. She couldn’t wait to settle into the reality of it all.

KENNA:Me too!

KENNA:Most of all I want you


MAX:I’m yours

Kenna put her arm across her chest, her hand on her shoulder and stared at the picture Max sent. She saved it as her lock screen so she could see it all the time because it made her smile and think about him and how he’d do anything for the ones he loved, even if it made him look ridiculous. Or in this case, ridiculously cute.

MAX:Time to put the little angel to bed

MAX:Sweet dreams to you too

KENNA:Like every night, I’ll be dreaming about you.

She wanted him to know she’d never stopped loving him and thinking about him and wishing things hadn’t ended the way they did.

She had regrets. So many of them. But being with him would never be one of them.

And now they had a second chance to get it right, to make it forever, to love each other the way they did.

MAX:I never stopped missing you


KENNA:♥x ∞

MAX:Math nerd

She smiled, thinking back to all the times he teased her with those words, and also how he loved that about her. He thought she was smart. More than anything else, that always made her feel like he saw and liked everything about her, because they were different in that way. She loved academics and teaching. She’d rather read a book, than go out most nights. Max loved being outdoors and working with the animals and on the land. Where she was quiet, Max loved a crowd and being with friends. She loved that he’d stay in with her for dinner and a movie, but also that he’d coax her to go out and be surrounded by people, dance, laugh, and have fun.

It didn’t matter where they went or what they did. If she was with him, it was always a good time.

Tonight, even though he wasn’t here, he still managed to connect with her. It was yet another way they were repairing the crack in their once solid foundation, building back the trust and intimacy they once shared.

She thought of him coming home later tonight and him standing outside her door, right across from his.

Would he knock and say good-night?

Would they share another heart-pounding kiss?

Would he be as desperate to see her as she was to see him?

How long before a kiss turned into the two of them tangled in the sheets?

Would this thing happening between them finally turn into a life together filled with happy memories?

The only way it wouldn’t is if they got in their own way again.

Or a killer took her out.

With whatever Kyle had planned looming, that threat felt even more real and impending.
