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Tom took Kenna by the arm. “Let’s move. We’re running out of time to get out of here safely.”

Max stayed on Kenna’s tail as Tom opened the door, and the other agent, who covered the outside, flanked Kenna. Tom took the lead. They got to the fed’s sedan, and he and Kenna got in back.

Max watched to be sure his father got in the truckand headed across the property, the opposite way of them toward Hunt’s place.

The agent started the car and floored it, kicking up dirt and gravel as they headed for the main entrance to the ranch. Max kept his gun in hand and on his knee, ready to take out anyone who tried to get to Kenna.

Tom turned in the front passenger seat and held up his phone. “This is the guy who killed Marcus. Get a good look at him. He is the only person you shoot at if he’s threatening you. Do not draw on or shoot anyone else, even if they are with this guy.”

Max remembered they had an undercover agent on the killer. “Got it.”

Tom eyed him intensely. “You better.”

Just before they reached the ranch gate, he noticed it was open. Before he could warn the agents something wasn’t right, a truck barreled out of the trees and rammed the side of the vehicle hard enough to push them off the edge of the narrow road and partially into a ditch.

Stunned by the surprise of it and the impact of the hit slamming him into the side of the car as the momentum threw Kenna’s body into his, Max tried to keep his wits and focus on the truck.

The sedan’s doors on the driver’s side of the vehicle were caved in. Blood marred the windows front and back where Kenna and the agent up front hit their heads.

The driver sat with his head hanging forward, the seat belt holding him up, but he wasn’t conscious.

Kenna moaned beside him and grabbed her head, too.

He shifted and cupped her face, turning it so he could see the gash on her left temple, the blood pouring out of it, down the side of her face and into her ear.

Tom opened the front passenger door, climbed out, then pulled open Max’s door. “Get out! Run!”

Two men climbed out of the truck. The driver took a shot at Tom, who ducked for cover.

Max undid his seat belt and Kenna’s, then pulled her out of the car with him. He put his hand on her head and shoved her down low by the rear tire. “We need to run for the trees.”

Kenna looked stunned and out of it.

He’d need to push her along to keep her safe.

“I’ll cover you. Go!” Tom fired at the driver of the truck, who returned fire.

Max helped Kenna stand in a crouch, then they ran the few yards to the trees, more shots ringing out. She suddenly screamed, stumbled, and fell, hitting her chest hard on the dry leaves and grass. Something dark and wet started to spread just to the right of the middle of her back. “No!” he screamed, realizing she’d been shot.

A terrifying rage came over him, and he turned and fired at the driver, who fired at Tom again.

One of Max’s bullets hit the guy high in the chest more toward his shoulder, but another bullet hit him in the side of the head, taking him down.

Max caught a glimpse of the guy on the other side of the truck, right before he climbed in through the passenger side, slid behind the wheel, backed the truck up, and sped away without Tom firing a single shot to stop him.

Max dropped beside Kenna and pressed both hands to her back to try to stop the blood. “We need an ambulance!”

“They’re on the way,” Tom shouted back.

Max glanced over at him. He was checking on the agent in the front seat, who appeared to still be passed out.

Kenna groaned in pain. “Max.” She barely got his name out.

“I’m here. You’re okay. You’re going to be okay. Help is coming.”

Oddly enough, sirens rose in the distance, which didn’t make sense, given how far out of town they were. He hoped it was an ambulance and not just more police.

Tom knelt beside him and handed him gauze pads from a medic kit. “We had emergency vehicles headed this way just in case. Use these to apply pressure.”
