Page 21 of Bonded to the Beast

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I’ve gone through all the emotions. Fear. Anger. Anxiety. Determination.

Kennedy adapts. Kennedy survives.

If a big monster wants to take her on, he can try. But she will always, always come out on top.

After last night and this morning, he wants me. I want to go home. Let’s see who gets what they want first.

With a new game plan in mind, I’m much calmer by the time he finally returns. I do regret that I didn’t grab my phone off the charger before I went to my closet this morning. Not because I expected my service plan to extend to another world, but because I didn’t realize how much I’d grown used to it telling me the time until I can’t.

He could’ve been gone twenty minutes. It could’ve been an hour. Maybe three. I don’t know. In the quiet of the room, with only the squirrel-cat’s purr breaking up the eerie silence, I wish I’d grabbed my phone. My Kindle.Anything.

Oh, yeah. I need to go home. For my store. For mysanity. I can’t stay here—

—and then the door opens and, when I see him, my heart skips a beat. The strange unsettling feeling I’d had while he was gone disappears as soon as I meet his triumphant gaze. Like I feel better just having him near.

What thehell?

Distraction, I think. I need a distraction, and boy do I get one when I get a better look at the monster and see that he came back with one of the squirrel-cats squirming in each of his hands.

Oh, no. Oh, hedidn’t.

See? This is what a language barrier gets you. I saved one squirrel-cat from being a meal, and what did he do? Go out and get metwomore.

He looks so pleased, too. Like he find the secret to my happiness and it’s in bringing me these shadows animals no matter why I want them.

I don’t think he understands the concept of pets. If he does, he probably doesn’t think these qualify. And yet… he brought me more.

I don’t want more. I probably shouldn’t keep the first one. I have no idea what they eat or what they are or if, like him, the creature has a shadow form and a solid form. What if it can change shapes as easily and looks like a gremlin instead of a cute squirrel-cat?

Call me a soft touch if you will, but I feel a kinship with the first critter. Plucked by this big shadow monster, brought to his home whether we wanted to or not… and it still looks happy to be snuggled on his bed.

And where am I? The same spot.

I hop up, waving my hands at him.

He preens, showing off the squirming creatures.

“Just one,” I tell him, holding up my pointer finger. “I just want one.”


‘Un’ sounds enough like ‘uno’ for me. “Yes! Just one.”

“Un ungez?”

That’s the squirrel-cat. “Yes. Un ungez.”

He nods once, then turns around still swinging the creatures by their tails. I remember too late that he initially brought me the creature to eat and I hope he’s not going to snack on them in front of me.

To my surprise, he doesn’t. Walking past me, he shifts his hold on the squirrel-cats until he has both of them in one hand. He does something in front of the window. Turns out it opens after all because it’s suddenly a whole in the wall, allowing him to drop the creatures back outside before the window closes on its own.

That done, he starts gesturing for me to stay put again.

This time I stop him.

I have to. Part of me wonders if he’s going to decide I need more of these shadow pets after all, while the other half is terrified to find out what he’s going to bring me next.

He seems to be trying to please me. Of course. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why he decided to take me home with him. If this is some sort of beastly bachelor pad, then I’m guessing the monster who seduced me last night was looking for a Mrs. and I seemed to fit the bill.
