Page 34 of Mace

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I always told myself I wanted quiet. I craved it.

Tonight that wasn’t so true.

I had too much to think about, and it was all hitting me at once.

I turned off all the lights, locked the patio door, and padded down the hallway to my bedroom. I flopped face-first onto the bed and groaned.

God help me, I was going to have a lot of busy days coming up.

The only thing that would make it easier was knowing Mace would be there right next to me. Just like he used to be.

For the time being, Mace was back in my life, and I was just going to enjoy him.


I was going to enjoy it.


Chapter Eleven


The drive back to Sacramento was good, except it was missing one thing.



Chapter Twelve


“I’ve waited long enough. Are you going to tell me what is going on?”

I flipped open my planner and grabbed a pen. “What are you talking about?”

Dorothy sighed and yanked my planner from me. “No working, no nothing until you tell me what brought Mace back into your life and why you need to make an unexpected trip to San Diego with Mace in tow.”

I blinked rapidly and tried to formulate a lie. One that would make sense.

“Stop,” Dorothy scolded. “Don’t make up some lie that you think will pacify me. Just tell me what is going on. You don’t even want to know what crazy stories I’ve been thinking. You have given me absolutely nothing to go off, so, of course, I’m going off the deep end, making him a porn star who has come back into your life to make you his next onscreen conquest.”

“Dorothy,” I gasped. “Why in the world would your mind think that?”

“Because you are giving me absolutely no inclination of what is actually going on. You took off for hours the other day, so maybe you went to his love lair to film and met his porny friends.”

“Porny friends?” I laughed. “Is that an actual thing?”

“Yes, Imogen. They are people who make porn. And I am not judging them because more power to them. If I could get someone actually to pay to look at my ass, you can bet your bottom dollar. I will shake it for the camera.”

“I am not shaking… it.” I shook my head and tried to get Dorothy back on track. “I am not doing porn, and Mitzy, Rayna, and Raelynn are not porny friends.” What in the world? Leave it to Dorothy to be completely in left field with her guess of what was happening with Mace.

“Well, I believe you because there is no way in hell any of those guys would let their ol’ ladies be recorded having sex, let alone let anyone watch it.”

“Then why in the heck would you even think that?” I laughed.

“Because my best friend isn’t telling me anything.” She bugged her eyes out and stared at me. “I’m waiting,” she droned.
