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He chuckled. “A gone asshole, apparently.”

She juddered even as he heated the water. “That was cruel.”

He rolled his eyes. “Stop whining. You’re alive, aren’t you?”

“I get closer to death every day—we all do—so it’s more like a slow journey toward death than ‘life.’”

Deke could only shrug. “If you say so.”

When they exited their apartment a couple of hours later, Bailey smiled as they walked straight into a party. Rather than have the entire pride celebrate at the Tavern as usual, Bree and Alex had chosen to break tradition and throw an apartment-block party—possibly so he could close himself inside his bedroom when he’d hit his socializing limit. As such, people were everywhere.

Clusters of them stood in the hallway. Others gathered inside apartments or stood in the open doorways. Those who weren’t dancing to the music blasting were talking with others while drinking and nibbling on finger foods.

The whole pride was thrilled by the birth of Aurora Velentia Devereaux. Only a few weeks old, the baby wolverine—yes, Alex had been right in his prediction of what breed of shifter she’d be—was spoiled rotten already. Her arrival had sure brightened what had been an otherwise dull time for the pride, thanks to the Gerard and Therese extravaganza.

No extremists had turned up to collect Bailey, so she could only think they’d first attempted to contact Therese and then gotten suspicious when she hadn’t answered or returned their call. Lucky for them, or they’d have been eradicated by the pride.

Before being kicked out of the pride, Gerard had been appropriately punished. Bailey hadn’t had any part in that, since she hadn’t trusted that her snake wouldn’t rise and kill him, but she was pretty sure Deke had had some “quality time” with him.

Without a goodbye to anyone, Dayna had returned to Australia literally days after Therese attempted to kill her. Bailey couldn’t lie, she’d totally fist pumped. It was best for the woman’s health that she’d accepted the simple fact that she’d never have Deke. If she’d pushed the matter, Bailey would have dealt with her in a manner that made Therese’s attack on Dayna seem like a tickle-fest.

Right then, Bailey looked up at him. “Where’s the buffet?”

“Mom said it would be in Valentina and James’ apartment,” he replied.

“Then that’s where we’re going, I’m peckish.” She said her hellos as they began shrugging through the crowds. Deke took the lead, ensuring people edged out of the way so she wouldn’t get jostled, which her snake found sweet.

They didn’t get far before they came across Shay, who beamed at them. Bailey grinned right back. But Deke? No.

“What’s that frown for?” Shay asked him, his brows sliding together.

Deke’s nostrils flared. “My cat is growling. The sight of you still irritates him.”

A mischievous glint in his eyes, Shay smiled. “You mean because I know what your mate—”

“Shay.” She poked his shoulder hard. “Don’t play with him. Only I get to drive him and his cat insane. No one else has that right.”

Shay’s brows lifted. “That’s fair.”

“I think so.”

Deke sighed. “Get out of our way, asshole.”

Shay moved aside with a chuckle. “Cranky bastard.”

She and Deke once more advanced through the throngs of people. When they finally stepped into the elevator, it was to find a makeshift bar there. Manning it, Finley arched a brow. “Hey, guys. What are you having?”

After he pressed the correct button on the panel, he and Bailey both grabbed a beer as the elevator began its descent. No sooner had they opened their bottles than the shiny metal doors glided open. They filed out and, again, found themselves surrounded by people.

Deke once more shouldered his way through pride members, ensuring Bailey could squeeze by without problem. As she caught sight of Cassandra across the hall, she gave her a quick wave. The blonde returned it, looking somewhat stiff and uncomfortable.

Bailey didn’t fail to notice that not many people stood close to her. Cassandra had been getting the cold shoulder ever since Sam went to stay with his relatives in another pride for a short time. Most people blamed her, which Bailey didn’t think was fair.

Apparently, neither did one of the enforcers, JP—he’d started dating her recently, and things seemed to be going well with them. He stood beside her right then, his body language daring anyone to give her attitude.

Hearing Deke bid someone a hey, Bailey looked to see James and his mother, Ingrid. Both were fussing over the baby girl he held.

Smiling, Bailey gently skimmed a finger over her super-soft cheek. “She is far too adorable.” Her snake flicked out her tongue, liking the new-baby scent.

“She is,” agreed James, his mouth curved.

“You look proud as punch,” Deke said to him.

“I am.” James gazed down at her, rocking her gently. “I don’t often get to hold her. If my mate isn’t hogging her, it’s Alex or Elle or Damian or my mother. Even Bree struggles to get some time with our Aurora.”
