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"You're a damn handsome man, Gage, and I look forward to getting to know you so much better, but for now, you need to rest and heal."

Gage raised his hand and ran his fingers down the side of Deacon's face. It was sensory perception learning through touch, and once again, Gage smiled, and Deacon's heart melted. "I can wait, but not too long." He teased.

"It won't be long; I can guarantee you that." Deacon turned his head and kissed Gage's hand. "Let me help you into bed and to get settled."

“I am rather tired, but I also want you so badly.” Those words burned through Deacon, and he closed his eyes for a moment gathering his fortitude and tamping down the raging desire to take his beloved fast and hard right here and now.

"You're playing with fire, my love." He warned, and again that smile stroked his desire making him think so many thoughts. "Come give me your hand." He abruptly stood and reached out for Gage.

"Okay, I'll rest, but I want you to know I'm feeling much better. I can see from both eyes now, and my joints have stopped aching." Gage took Deacon's hand and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet. He brought him close and wrapped his arm around Gage's shoulders.

"Our connection and being so near one another is what is healing you, and once we have completely bonded, you will heal completely. In the future, your injuries will be rare and will heal immediately, just like mine. There are perks for you if you agree to be mine." Deacon winked at him, and Gage leaned into his side as they walked to the back of the cabin to the one large bedroom.

“I’ll sleep on it and let you know in the morning.” Gage goaded.

"Like I said, you're playing with fire, baby." Deacon cuddled him close and dropped several kisses on his sweet lips and across his cheek. "You make my blood burn."

“You’re welcome to stay.” Gage stretched and placed a kiss on the underside of Deacon’s chin.

"Rest first. I want you well and strong." Deacon brought him over to the bed and helped him off with his shoes before making him comfortable. He tucked the thick quilt around him, and after another kiss, he straightened and took a step back from the bed.

"This is so crazy that I am fully expecting to wake up at any moment from this magnificent dream." Gage reached up to him, and Deacon took his hand.

"It is a dream, Gage, a dream come true for both of us." He kissed Gage's hand and then tucked it back under the quilt. "The cabin has a landline, so if you need to call anyone, feel free to do so. There's a phone on the bedside table and one in the kitchen." He pushed the soft silky hair back from Gage's face and noticed again that the bruising and swelling were diminishing rapidly, which lightened his heart considerably. Another kiss, and he excused himself to the other room but left the bedroom door open in case Gage needed him.

Deacon returned to the living room and poured himself a whiskey before taking a seat on the couch. They'd worked through a lot in the past few hours, but there was still plenty to discuss. The important matter was that Gage seemed accepting and fully aware of the meaning of a paranormal Fated bond. He also appeared enthusiastic, which set most of Deacon's fears at ease.

He was a gorgeous young man, even with the bruising. Deacon was excited to move on with this union and to begin their time together. The stepfather was still a sore spot as far as Deacon was concerned. His lack of care and thought for Gage was riding Deacon. He needed to settle the score with that man and hoped Gage did not object.

Deacon glanced back at the open door and heard the steady rhythm of his beloved's heartbeat. Gage was asleep, and the total harmony Deacon was feeling at that moment was beautiful. His life was reaching a fulfillment that he longed for but never knew if it would belong to him. The circumstances of their meeting were appalling, and his guilt still hung on the edges of his mind, but Gage was not blaming him or pulling away, and that was more than he'd hoped for.

His beloved had a big heart and a lovely disposition, so much more than a man like him deserved. He would willingly die for this young man. He would willingly give his heart and his soul. Gage was his center, and they had more than a lifetime to figure each other out. He took a long sip of his whiskey, laid his head back, and closed his eyes for a moment.


Gage lay there feeling the plush comfort of the soft bed and pillows and let his mind wander to the previous day and the chaos that had led to him being homeless. Then Deacon came along a tall, handsome, capable, and concerned man who turned his mess of a life around. He went from his lowest point to his highest in the span of a few hours, and his head was still spinning.

He didn't know much about Deacon apart from the fact that he was the security team leader who captured him and laid down the subsequent punishment. Deacon apologized for it all, and Gage really couldn't blame him for doing his job.

He received a harsh verbal warning the first two times he was caught, which he should have headed. The third time they administered corporal punishment, a natural progression of penalties for breaking their law. It all made sense to Gage, although the beating was severe and left him hurting in every part of his body.

That beating was effective if nothing else, and Gage would not have ventured over their border again for any reason. But then everything took a turn for the unbelievable, and now here he was at Deacon's cabin in the woods, being told that he was the answer to his prayers, the center of his universe, and the love of his life. He was a vampire's beloved, and it was blowing his mind.

Gage wasn't sure what the future held for him, but he couldn't turn his back on Deacon. The draw to this man was too strong, and his heart would not allow him to dismiss the feelings that raged within him. It took a while, but finally, he found himself drifting off to sleep with thoughts of bonding with that great man filling his mind and his dreams.

It was dark outside when he woke, filling the room with shadows, and for a moment, he wondered where he was, and then the memories flooded in and with them a sense of calm. This was Deacon's home. They were together, and he was safe. After a few minutes of lying there enjoying the restful relaxation of Deacon's soft bed, Gage sat up and threw his legs over the side.

He listened and heard faint sounds from the outer room. Gage stretched, reached over, and grabbed the house phone from the side table. He punched in Eddie's number and waited.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Eddie burst as soon as he answered. "I heard that Commander Deacon Haas is your beloved. That is so fantastic." Eddie continued, quite elated with the fact that Gage would be part of the Coven now.

“He told you?”

"He told Robert they're friends and asked Robert how best to approach you considering how he had treated you." Eddie paused. "He's really sorry for his actions, and I hope you can find it in your heart to look past it and see what a fine man Deacon is and what a fine partner he will make."

"I never held it against him in the first place," Gage told him, and he heard Eddie's sigh of relief, and Gage chuckled. "I wouldn't want to meet Trenton in a dark alley any time soon, but again I guess he was just doing his job as ordered. There is no one to blame but myself for breaking their laws repeatedly."

"You are amazingly understanding." Eddie cut in, sounding a little shocked.
