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"Yeah, I found that holding onto blame and grudges is exhausting, and I don't have time for that sort of bullshit in my life."

“I wish I had half your resolve.”

“Who are you holding a grudge against? I’ve always found you to be super nice to everyone.” Gage was surprised by Eddie’s statement.

"There are people who rub me the wrong way, but that's a conversation for another time. When you move here with Deacon, we can have many long discussions." Eddie was a character, and he found the thought of moving to the Coven was not as objectionable as he thought it would be.

"We're at his cabin in the woods. It's about twenty miles from town. It's nice and quiet and relaxing." Gage described as he laid back on the pillows enjoying the warmth and comfort.

"He's a nice guy and a good leader. According to Robert, he has a real future in security. Deacon started out as a field operative and was involved in a lot of coven business around the world." Eddie shared what he knew, and Gage enjoyed learning a little about the man he was so rapidly falling for.

"Why did he come back to work at the Coven? Didn't he like fieldwork?" Gage was just curious.

"After a century in fieldwork, they like to cycle you back to the coven for a few years, and Deacon said he was ready for a change."

"A century? Holy cow, how old is he?"

"A few years older than Robert; he's around one-hundred-eighty or maybe ninety years old, I think," Eddie said it so matter of fact that it made Gage laugh. He knew that paranormal beings lived long lives, but it was surprising to find out the man of your dreams was pushing two hundred.

“He doesn’t look a day over thirty.”

"Isn't that true," Eddie commented. "Very few at the Coven have actually started to age. They all look in their thirties or younger, except for Chef Reid; he's starting to go gray. I can't even imagine how old he must be to be finally showing some age."

"I'm nineteen, and I already have gray hair." Gage threw in.

"Once you bond with Deacon, you won't get any more."

“Good to hear.”

"The perks are many." Eddie's innuendo was clear and brought a smile to Gage's face.

"That's what I've been told." They talked for a while, and Eddie answered his questions regarding beloveds and what to expect. He described it as the most wonderful relationship ever imagined and a love that transcends the galaxies, and at the end, Gage was ready to fall at Deacon's feet and beg him to claim him as soon as possible.

"It's beyond anything you could imagine, so embrace him, Gage, and you will never regret it." Eddie ended his pitch.

“You had me at transcending the galaxies Eddie. Thanks for talking to me. I appreciate your perspective, and you've really eased my mind." Gage told him honestly.

"You're welcome, and I look forward to your commitment ceremony here at the coven." With that, they said their goodbyes, and Gage hung up the receiver. It was a good talk, and Eddie gave him a lot of things to think about.

Gage washed up and then ventured out into the living area. Upon checking himself in the mirror, he felt much better and noticed that his face was nearly healed. All that remained was a little discoloration around his eye and jawline. His body felt as if that beating had never happened. Both Deacon and Eddie had told him that being near his beloved would speed his recovery, but he never realized it would happen so fast.

When Gage entered the outer room, he saw Deacon in the kitchen, and it looked like he was preparing something. Deacon had changed out of his perfectly cut black suit into a pair of jeans that hugged him in all the right places, and a cotton pullover that accentuated his muscled chest and arms. Gage had to force himself to focus to avoid drooling at the sight.

He turned around and waved Gage over. "I'm just about finished thought we could both use a bite to eat. Would you grab the salad, and I'll carry the chicken and potatoes?" Gage grabbed the salad and the juice and carried them to the table. Once they were seated, Deacon poured their juice and offered him coffee or tea, but Gage declined.

“Did you rest well?”

"Very well, I feel so much better than I did when I woke up this morning."

“You look nearly healed.”

"I feel great." The conversation went on like this, an easy back and forth until they finished the meal and Deacon dished up dessert.

“Apple pie and ice cream.” He announced and set the plate in front of Gage.

"My favorite." Gage dug in, loving every bite. "I spoke with Eddie, and he's very happy for us."

“Did he answer your questions?”
