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"Call Deacon and warn him," Silas instructed, and Robert agreed.

“Right away, sir.”

He slept with his beloved secure in his arms, a restful sleep warm and sound, and woke to the sound of birds outside the window. He loved this cabin, such a peaceful place, and now he loved it even more because it was where he claimed his beloved. Gage was still asleep, and he listened to the soft beat of his heart and felt the feather lightness of Gage's breath against his throat. This was truly paradise.

The sun was up, and the clock told him it was time to get up. They'd had a lovely and eventful night and had slept well into the morning, but now he wanted time with his beloved. They were fully bonded, and Deacon wanted to spend some relaxing hours with Gage and to learn more about him, about his past, and about his dreams for the future.

His photography goals were fully doable, and Deacon would see to it that his equipment was all replaced. It was unfortunate that Trenton saw fit to destroy his property that was not part of the order, but there was nothing to be done about it now. When he began to move, Gage woke and stretched but did not move away from Deacon; instead, he wrapped his arm around him, hugging him close.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Deacon kissed his forehead and ran the palm of his hand down Gage's side, reveling in the smooth warmth of his flesh.

"Good morning." Gage reciprocated and then asked. "What time is it?"

“Eleven thirty.”

“It was good to sleep in . . . with you.” Gage yawned and stretched.

“How are you feeling?”

“Great, like the beating never happened.” He lifted his head to look down into Deacon’s face. “How do I look?”

"You look gorgeous." That brought a soft giggle and a delightful smile. Deacon rolled, pinning Gage beneath him. "Let's have some breakfast and then take a walk. This area is really lovely. I want to discuss some things with you.” Gage became instantly wary.

“Like what?”

"Like, will you move in with me? I have my quarters at the Palace, a nice place plenty big enough for the two of us." Deacon felt Gage stiffen slightly, but he didn't say no, so that was good.

After a few seconds of thought, he answered. "Sure, I know that you're important and that you have a good job with the Coven, and I wouldn't want to interfere with that" Gage was a very practical man, and it made Deacon smile.

"Thank you, my love. I'll make it good for you, I promise." He kissed him then and sat up, moving to the edge of the bed and put on his jeans. "Pull yourself together and meet me in the kitchen." He said and headed out because if he didn't, he was going to ravage his beloved once again. He honestly could not get enough of that young man. He heard that infection giggle once again as he proceeded down the hall toward the kitchen, and it brightened his entire day.

He washed up and pulled on a t-shirt and boots before fixing scrambled eggs, bacon, fried potatoes, and toast for breakfast and preparing two cups of coffee. He loved providing for his beloved, and it didn't hurt that Gage was appreciative of everything he did. There was a lot he didn't know about Gage, and he looked forward to learning all his likes and dislikes and hearing his life experiences and opinions on everything.

The bond had opened up a deeper familiarity with his beloved. He could sense and identify his feelings, fears, and some thoughts, which told him Gage was happy, and that was all he needed to know for now. He set the table and decided to give Robert a call while he was waiting for Gage.

Trenton should be in California by now, and Deacon wanted to make sure he was there and settled. Trenton needed to be far away from him and his beloved. Gage, although putting forth a façade of strength and acceptance in regard to the beating, was actually still traumatized by the event. Their bond allowed him to feel the fear he held where Trenton Shift was concerned.

He searched for his cell phone and then realized he'd left it in the SUV, so he picked up the house phone and dialed Robert. He heard Robert answer, and then the phone went dead. He tried again, but nothing. After checking the connections and finding no issue, he decided to make his call later after he retrieved his cell from the SUV. It wasn't uncommon for him to lose service out there, so he thought nothing of it.

When Gage entered, all thought of calls and service fled his mind, and all he could think of was how handsome he looked. His hair was brushed back from his face, and his soft brown eyes took in the room and Deacon in a single sweep. "Breakfast is ready, my love. Come and take a seat; I shall serve you." He was feeling gallant, and he loved taking care of his beloved.

"Thank you." He said as he took the seat that Deacon was holding for him. Once comfortable, Deacon dropped a kiss on his cheek and then sat down opposite him at the small table. They talked and ate, and it was shaping up to be a very enjoyable day until Deacon saw a movement by the window out of the corner of his eye. Someone was outside, and he had no neighbors and was expecting no visitors.

He jumped to his feet and rushed out the door, but not before instructing his beloved to stay inside. Gage was alarmed, but he did as he was told, which was a relief. Deacon scented the area, but nothing stood out, then walked the property around the cabin looking for evidence of someone having been there.

He found nothing, so he searched the area and part of the woods a second time while keeping his eyes on the cabin. Nothing seemed out of place, but his instincts were telling him that something was off. He returned to the cabin and stood surveying the yard and the tree line beyond but did not sense movement or a presence. After a few more minutes of observing, he went inside.

Gage was standing at the door somewhat wide-eyed and anxious, which he expected considering how abruptly he'd run from the cabin. "I thought I saw someone or rather movement through that window." He pointed to the window to the right of the front door. “I searched the area, but I didn’t see a sign of anyone.” Deacon glanced out the window again before turning back to regard Gage.

“Who would be out here? This is pretty isolated from what I could tell on the drive-in." Gage voiced his concerns without being too obvious.

“It could be hunters or hikers.” Deacon offered a simple answer. “I’ve run across both out here.”

“But you don’t think that it is either a hunter or a hiker.” That was a statement and not a question. Gage was astute and even more so now that they had bonded. He could sense Deacon’s uneasiness.

"I don't know for sure, but something is striking me as off." He tried to lighten the mood by reaching out and pulling Gage in for a hug. "Don't worry, baby, I'll keep you safe." He said with a smile that he was not completely feeling. The tension in his shoulders was telling him to be careful and watchful.
