Page 128 of Love Me Always

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“I can’t believe that two-faced, backstabbing snake. Lorenzo has big plans for him.” Tay’s sinister smile freaked me out.

“Let’s not talk about what happened anymore. He fooled us all and doesn’t deserve to be spoken about, no matter how badly.” My mother stroked my hair as Carmella entered the room with a tray full of different foods.

“It’s so nice to have you back, Ana, we missed you.” She placed a bowl of porridge on the bed. Flashbacks flickered in my mind as I squeezed my eyes shut.

“Ana, is everything okay?!” my mother asked worriedly.

“Can you take the porridge away, please?”

“Of course.” Carmella removed it from the tray before I opened my eyes to watch her place it outside the bedroom door. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know what you’d want.”

“It’s okay, it doesn’t matter.” I smiled, but deep down, I was trying to work out a way to stop being so silly over something so small.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Robin clutched my hand as her warm eyes met mine. She knew something was wrong, she could read me like a book.

“Lorenzo mentioned something in passing to your father. He was livid.” My mother stroked my cheek as I felt all eyes on me.

“I was terrified; I hid it like Papa taught me, but I was so scared, Mama.”

“I’m so sorry, baby.” My mother held me tightly.

“He declared his love to me. He said he would make me love him, but how can you act this way to someone you supposedly love?”

“Because he’s a dick,” Tay muttered from beneath the huddle.

“I think that’s something we can all agree on,” Loreta spoke. “He deserves everything they plan on doing to him.”

“How about we put on your favourite movie? Try and forget about him, he doesn’t exist to you anymore.” My mother flicked on the TV, and everyone got into a comfortable position on the bed.

But was it easy to say he didn’t exist when his murderous eyes haunted my dreams?

The driveto the warehouse wasn’t a pleasant one. I was beyond murderous at what they’d put Ana through. He told her he loved her, well, if he did, he had a funny way of showing it. He was obsessed with her, and I knew he was the moment we met. I couldn’t wait to hear him beg, make him cry like a fucking baby for what he’d put her through. If I had the power I’d kill him, resurrect him, then maim him again until I was satisfied.

I kept reliving the day I barged into that room and saw her lying there in and out of consciousness, her face bloody and swollen, her hair matted with even more blood, her arm chained to the bed as it probably had been since she’d got there, and the bruises. Fuck, the bruises that decorated her body was unlike anything I’d imagined. It was a sight I hoped to never see again. I saw him standing over her, his fist still tightly clenched by his side, his knuckles split, and no sign of remorse on his face. The only time his expression rapidly changed was when he saw us, and he knew he was fucked. The four guys in the lounge of the abandoned house were easy targets, considering they were once Victor’s men it was amusing how easily they’d rolled over. Emmet and Gino fired a bullet in one of their knees before loading them into the van Nicolo drove up from the road.

I couldn’t wait to get my hands on that vile bastard. Victor wanted to teach him a lesson too and of course I’d allow it, but I’d deliver his death. I wanted to be the one who watched the life drain from his beady little eyes, I wanted my face to be the last one he ever saw.

“How is she?” my father asked from the passenger seat.

“Honestly, I don’t know.” I gripped the steering wheel tighter as I imagined it was Chad’s neck rather than a piece of leather.

“What do you mean?” He sounded surprised and he had every right to because the moment she woke up and I knew I had her back was the moment I wanted to kill him.

“She told me what happened, and I knew I couldn’t be there anymore, I needed to…” I took a deep breath, and he knew what was racing through my mind.

“Listen, son, I know you want to make him pay for what he did to her, but she needs you right now.” He placed his hand on my shoulder before he continued. “Turn the car around. He can wait a few more days.”

“But I can’t. I want him gone. I want to return home to Ana and tell her how she doesn’t have to worry about him anymore, how she doesn’t have to be scared of him ever getting to her again. Is that so wrong of me?”

“I didn’t say it was wrong of you for wanting to take revenge for your wife. I will never ever say that, but I just think she needs her husband right now. She has the girls including her mother and yours, but they aren’t you.” He squeezed my shoulder, and I knew he was right.

“How can I look her in the eye when what happened to her was my fault?”

“Pull the fucking car over now!” His tone was stern and demanding.

I pulled over onto the grass verge and shut off the engine. My father got out of the car and ordered me to do the same. I had no idea what the reason of this was, but it was better to go along with things you didn’t want to sometimes, something I’d learnt from Ana.

“How the fuck was what happened to Ana your fault?! Please enlighten me because I’m confused!” He slammed his hand on the hood of the car.
