Page 61 of Love Me Always

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“I don’t think he’ll ever realise. I guess I’ll have to learn to live with it.” I let a tear escape and despite her not looking at my face, she knew.

“You are a strong woman. You’re a Fedorov and you’re made of strong stuff. If anyone can give as good as she gets, it’s you.” She stroked my hair, and it was as though she realised it was the exact gesture I needed right now. “I’ll get you a glass of champagne and send the girls in to get started.”

* * *

I stood in front of the mirror as I tried to recognise the woman that stared back at me. My hair was styled in effortless waves that tumbled until they reached my waist, and although the make-up artist was adamant on a deep red lipstick to match my dress, I persuaded her to stick to what I wanted originally, a subtle nude which matched the rest of the masterpiece perfectly. I smoothed my trembling hands down over my dress. The details sparkled beneath the spotlights of my old bedroom as it was cut immaculately across the bust, the slit showed off the snake tattoo that sat pretty on my thigh, it matched the one Miles had on the middle of his back. This was one of the many things we did together; Miles was more than a brother, he was also one of my best friends. He never let me down, he always had my back, and he was the only one I spoke to about what happened when I was with Lorenzo. No matter how much he wanted to beat the shit out of him for the way he acted, Miles knew this was something I had to deal with alone. I didn’t need anyone to fight my battles for me.

I could fight them alone.

“Flower, are you ready?” My father tapped on the door, and my palms clammed up instantly.

Everybody would already be ready and waiting for our arrival in the ballroom,yes, we had a ballroom at the far end of the house.My father didn’t do things by halves and insisted we hold the party at home.

“Flower?” he called again from behind the door.

“I’m ready.”Ready as I’ll ever be.

The door slowly opened and revealed my father who looked handsome in his black tuxedo, his bow tie was neatly knotted, and for once, his top button was securely fastened.

“Wow, you look good, Papa!” I smiled as he closed the distance between us. His arms reached for me as he instantly wrapped them around my much smaller body.

“You’re one to talk. You look stunning.” His face was full of pride as he held me at arm’s length to get a good look at me. His eyes welled up with tears, and that was something I rarely saw.

“Are you going to cry?”

“I just can’t get over how beautiful my daughter is.” He wiped away a stray tear before he offered me his arm. “Shall we go?”

I let out a steady breath as I tucked my hair behind my ear. He noticed the nerves as he gripped my hand with his free one.

“Yes.” I couldn’t bring myself to say more.

“Lorenzo is already downstairs; he is with his men at the moment.” He smiled as we exited the bedroom.

“How did he look?” I didn’t know why I asked; I just did.

“A lot more relaxed than you. Are you okay?” he asked, the genuine worry apparent.

“I will be.” I squeezed his hand gently as we turned the corner to see my father’s most trusted and oldest men lining the stairs.

“What is this?”

“I want to say protection, but they wanted to see you since most of them have been around all your life.” They bowed their heads and offered me their smiles, the ones I always found so warm and welcoming.

Waiting at the bottom of the stairs were Artem and Chad, in their three-piece suits. These two were more than just men.They were friends.

“They will accompany us inside. I know security is a little wild tonight, but the number of men in that ballroom that want to be Lorenzo right now is downright scary, so I would rather you be safe.” He kissed my temple as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

“I understand, Papa, you do what you think is best.” I smiled as we came face-to-face with Artem and Chad.

“Anastacia, I have no words to describe about how beautiful you look right now.” Artem beamed as did my father.

“Thank you, Artem, this is all a little much for an engagement.” I blushed under the dim lights of the lobby.

“Nothing is too much for you. You should know that by now.” He took my hand from my father and kissed my knuckles in a gentlemanly way.

“Ana, you look amazing.” Chad leant forward and pressed a kiss on my cheek.

As we made our way down the never-ending corridor to the ballroom, my father kept my hand firmly in his.
