Page 62 of Love Me Always

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“Are you returning to Lorenzo’s this evening?”

“I would expect so.” I smiled, hoping he would drop the subject.

Before he could respond, we reached the double doors that opened up into the ballroom. The sounds of music, laughter and chatter came from inside, and I felt sick with nerves, but somehow, I ignored it and pushed it aside. Artem and Chad stepped around us and, in sync, opened the doors to reveal the crowded ballroom.

All eyes fell on my father and I as he led me inside. I instantly caught sight of my mother who stood beside Miles and Lorenzo’s parents. The look of adoration she had for the pair of us was adorable. She wore her hair in an intricate style that matched the design of her emerald evening gown. The music continued to play as we stopped before my family. Miles pulled me into his embrace and kissed both my cheeks. Carmella and Franco greeted me as if I were their own daughter.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so beautiful.” Carmella smiled.

“I hope my son knows how damn lucky he is,” Franco commented as he winked at my father.

“I’m starting to.” I stilled as I heard his low voice from behind me.

I turned around to face the one person I didn’t want to.Not yet anyway.I was taken aback by how drop dead gorgeous he looked and that was something I hated to admit. He wore a million-dollar smile that probably matched the price tag of his suit, which looked as though it was made for him as the dark material stretched perfectly around his muscles.

“Good evening, Anastacia.” His eyes never left mine as he spoke.

“Good evening.” My response was sweeter than he deserved.

“If you two will excuse us for a moment.” Our fathers made their way onto the stage where the band paused mid-song.

“Good evening, everyone.” All eyes intently watched my father and Franco. “We would like to thank everyone for coming to the celebration of our children’s engagement.” My father smiled as Franco took over.

“Lorenzo, would you like to bring Anastacia up here, please?”

Lorenzo held out his hand, and I took it as he led us onto the stage.

“Anastacia, we cannot wait to welcome you to the Ricci family, although it already feels like you are.” I swear these men were trying to make me cry this evening. “Lorenzo has something he would like to give you as a sign of the first steps of your lives together.” Our fathers stepped away from the microphone and made their way down to meet our mothers who were only just about holding it together.

Lorenzo positioned me in front of him as he took both my hands in his. I couldn’t work out if this was all for show or some part of it was real. But I let him carry on especially with an audience as elite as this; I knew better than to disrespect my future husband.

“Anastacia, tonight we officially announce our engagement to one another, and I know many of the people in this room including our families would love to hear all the wonderful things I have to say about you, but unfortunately for them I want you to hear them alone first.” He smiled, and I blushed under his gaze. “Tonight, I’ll place this ring on your finger to symbolise the beginning of our future together.” He pulled out a small, black velvet box from his pants pocket and opened it to reveal the most beautiful ring I had ever laid my eyes on. It was a large oval diamond with smaller ones decorating the band. Each time he moved the box, it sparkled beneath the lights above us.

He slipped the ring onto my finger, and his touch lingered for a moment. It fit perfectly as I lost myself in its beauty.

“Dance with me?” It was a mix between an order and a question, but I took his hand once more regardless.

The band played as Lorenzo waltzed me around the dancefloor. I didn’t expect him to be so light on his feet, he was a lot more graceful than I expected.

“Surprised?” he whispered as he pulled me closer. His hand lay on the small of my back as our hips swayed in perfect sync.

“Just a little.” There was no hiding the slight smile that played on my lips.

“You took my damn breath away when you walked in here tonight, along with many others, I’m sure.”Was that a compliment?

“As much as I hate to admit it, I only cared about taking yours away.”

As soon as the words left my mouth, Lorenzo dipped me suddenly. I clung onto his broad shoulders to steady myself, but for the first time, I could honestly say I felt safe in his arms. His eyes searched mine for what seemed like some acceptance. I parted my lips slightly as he brought his tenderly to mine. This was unlike any other kiss we had shared; those may have been passionate, aggressive, full of desire and need, but this was tender, romantic, and nothing like I’d ever imagined from him. My hand gently fisted his freshly cut hair as he moaned quietly, a sound I thought I never wanted to hear until now.

The band transitioned into another song as we pulled away from one another. It wasn’t until people clapped for us that we finally let each other go.

“Thank you for the dance.” I smoothed my hands across the shoulders of his jacket before I let them trail down his arms.What was I doing?! Why was I acting like someone feeling something they shouldn’t?

“You deserved a moment like this. Tonight is all about you.” He kissed my cheek, and his lips felt like velvet against my skin.

“Us. Tonight is about us.” He led me through the parting crowd as we met Robin and Tay at the bar.

“Good evening, ladies.” Lorenzo smiled at the girls.
