Page 63 of Love Me Always

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“That dance was something else, a really beautiful moment.” Robin beamed as she sipped her mojito.

“You surprised me, Lorenzo.” Tay turned her attention from him to me. “Now, my gorgeous girl, show us that rock!” She clapped her hands together, and for the first time, she seemed to warm to Lorenzo.

“That’s my cue to leave.” My back suddenly felt cold as he removed his hand. “Ladies, I hope you enjoy your night. Ana, I’ll see you soon.” There was no denying the fact that I’d noticed a shift in his behaviour tonight, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that he was putting on an incredible act to paint himself in an amazing light.

I held out my freshly manicured hand to the girls as they gasped at the size of the rock Lorenzo had gifted me.

“Oh, Ana, it’s magnificent.” Robin squeezed my hand with delight on her face.

“That man sure has taste.” Tay admired the ring and so did I.

“I don’t even know if he picked it out.” It was true. He could have asked anyone to pick up a ring in my size. Anyone who knew me better than he did.

“I don’t want to hear any negative thoughts from this moment on. Let’s dance!” Robin knocked back what was left of her mojito as she dragged Tay and I onto the dancefloor.

I felt Lorenzo’s eyes on me, and sometimes, although I caught him staring, he never tried to hide it or turn away.

“Show him what he’s missing, baby,” Tay whispered in my ear to be heard over the music.

“I can’t, not in front of my family.”

“Your parents are so lost in one another right now; they aren’t bothered about you dancing for your husband-to-be.” Robin nodded her head towards my parents, and she was right, they only had eyes for each other. “Show him what he knows he wants but won’t fucking admit.” She winked as I glanced at Lorenzo over my shoulder.

“He’s not missing anything.” I threw back my champagne as Tay raised her brow as if she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “What? If he genuinely wanted me, he wouldn’t have been such an arsehole.”

“Maybe he was just scared?” Tay’s words surprised me.

“Of what? Showing me a little consideration?”

“Didn’t you try to kill him?” Why on earth did I have to tell them about that small detail.

“Yes, but he deserved it after the shit he pulled.” I swapped my glass with a full one as the waiter walked past us. “I’m going to get some fresh air.”

I made my way outside onto the terrace that overlooked the garden. The warmth of the evening air kissed my bare skin as I looked down onto the beauty of the flowers in full bloom. I flattened my palms against the stone wall to steady myself as I felt the champagne slowly go to my head, and just as I was enjoying the time alone, I soon realised I wasn’t alone at all.

“You really do look beautiful tonight, Ana.” The deepness of Chad’s voice broke the silence.

“That’s nice of you to say.” I kept my back to him; his presence wasn’t what I wished for right now.

“You seemed incredibly close to Lorenzo, especially with that kiss you shared.” I was unsure how that concerned him. I couldn’t work out if he was being inquisitive or if there was something more to his comments.

“Why does it sound like there’s a problem?” I turned to give him my full attention, one he obviously didn’t deserve right now.

“Was it real?”

“Was what real?” This man was one of my closest friends, but right now, I wasn’t so sure if I knew the person that stood before me.

“The kiss, was the fucking kiss real?!” His voice bellowed through the evening air.

“That has nothing to do with you!” I’d had enough, I came out here for some peace and bloody quiet and he ruined it with his stupid questions.

I didn’t know if our kiss was real and even if I did, I didn’t need to explain anything to Chad, he crossed the line the moment he asked. I tried to sidestep him to escape back inside.

“It wasn’t, was it? That’s why you can’t tell me.” His hand gripped my wrist harder than I expected as he stopped me in my tracks.

“Take your hands off my fucking woman!”Lorenzo.His voice sliced through the air as Chad tightened his grip on me. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”

“We’re just having a conversation, do you mind?” Chad had some nerve to respond the way he did, there was no emotion on his face, no fear in his eyes.
