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Morgan Hart sighed as she leaned back in the bath. She needed this. Her last job had been long and tedious. Guarding the son of a high-ranking politician sounded pretty glamorous until you realized that his father was only hiring a bodyguard to make himself and his family look more impressive to the press rather than because of any actual danger.

So, Morgan had been stuck going to polo tournaments with Josh and hanging out with him and his dumb friends, who wouldn’t stop hitting on her, despite knowing very well that she was gay. She had dearly wanted to quit, but she was a new hire in Gray’s company and she didn’t want to make a bad impression by quitting the third job she’d been assigned to.

So, she’d stuck it out. Eventually, Josh’s father had realized that having a bodyguard when his family was under no threat was a pointless endeavor—which, Morgan thought sourly, she could have told him from the start.

She breathed in the sweet scent of the rose oil she had put in her bath and sipped on her wine. Hopefully, her next job would offer a bit more excitement and be absent of idiot men hitting on her.

She was just taking another sip of wine when her phone rang. Morgan was sorely tempted to ignore it, but she saw it was Gray. She groaned. She’d told Gray she was ready to take on another job immediately, but she didn’t think Gray would get back to her within hours of telling her that.


“Hi, Morgan. I’m sorry to call you at this time, but I just got word of an urgent job. Are you interested?”

“What’s the job?” Morgan asked cautiously. New hire or not, if it was another fake job that was just for show, she was turning it down.

“Ms. Leigh Rayson. She’s a thirty-year-old heiress to a family fortune. I think her mother is a bigshot in the oil industry. For the last few months, she’s been getting death threats, and the police aren’t making any progress on who has it in for her.”

Well, that certainly sounded like a real job. “She’s been getting death threats for months and she’s only contacting a bodyguard company now? I would have thought someone with her money would have done so sooner.”

“That’s just the thing. I’m not entirely sure what her problem is, but she’s been through five different companies in the past three months. She’s fired each one of them for what seem to me to be increasingly ridiculous reasons. It’s like she doesn’t want a bodyguard, but then she goes and hires another one.”

That did seem odd. “Well, maybe I’ll be the one to win her over.”

“This will likely be a difficult job. Working with uncooperative clients can be trying—I know that first hand.”

“I can do it.” Morgan resolved to stick with it and convince Leigh to let her stay, no matter how difficult Leigh was.

“If you’re sure, I’ll send you the details.”

“Please do. I’ll contact her tomorrow to set up a meeting.”

“Thanks, Morgan.”

“Any time.”

Morgan smiled as she hung up the phone. She had felt a little insecure coming to Gray’s company. Almost everyone who worked for Gray was ex-military. Morgan was the only one with no form of military or law enforcement training. Of course, with black belts in Karate, Jiu Jitsu, Aikido and Krav Maga, she was more than capable of defending herself and her clients, but she couldn’t help but feel the need to prove herself. Martial arts had always been Morgan’s passion. Her father was a world renowned expert in Aikido and Morgan had learnt martial arts and self defence from an early age. Unarmed combat was her speciality and it was yet to let her down.

Morgan finished her bath quicker than she’d intended to, curious about the information Gray was sending over. By the time she was dressed, she had an email with half a dozen attachments. Morgan loved how thoroughly Gray always vetted potential clients. The more information Morgan had, the better she was able to do her job.

It seemed that Ms. Leigh Rayson had lived a charmed life up until now. She breezed through school with top grades, though had decided not to take her studies further. Her fiancé, Jake, seemed like an all-round great guy. He and Leigh spent their days attending charity functions and art gallery openings, going shopping, or lazing about their mansion just outside of the city.

Morgan frowned as she read on. Leigh and Jake didn’t seem to have any friends. It was odd, because from what Morgan could determine about them, they both seemed like nice people. With Leigh’s money, she couldn’t exactly be lacking in people wanting to befriend her.

Maybe she was pushing people away because she was afraid they only wanted her for her money? Morgan couldn’t think of any other reason for it. She supposed it would make her job easier—it made for a smaller suspect pool.

What she really needed was to catch the person delivering the threats red-handed and turn them over to the police. She’d need to keep a close eye on Leigh and make sure not to let her go anywhere alone. Hopefully, she could catch the person in question before Leigh found some reason to fire her.

Morgan went to bed that night with her mind spinning with possibilities. She wondered what security at Leigh’s mansion was like. She’d take a look tomorrow and have Leigh upgrade it if necessary. They’d need cameras and a state-of-the-art alarm system, of course.

She woke early the next day and went to the gym, since it was too early to call Leigh. The last thing Morgan needed was to make a bad impression by waking Leigh up. She didn’t need to give Leigh any reasons to fire her, especially since it seemed that Leigh had no problem coming up with increasingly ludicrous reasons on her own.

Her last bodyguard had been fired for folding her dinner napkin incorrectly. Apparently, Leigh’s mother had taken offense and there had been a fight about it. As if that was the guard’s fault. Anyone who would fight over the way a dinner napkin was folded clearly had too much time on their hands.

Morgan looked around, searching for a training partner. There was always someone at this time of day, wanting to get in some sparring before work.
