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As she looked, she saw Max come out of the locker rooms and caught his eye. “Hey, Max, are you free to roll with me?”

“Always for you, Morgan.”

She and Max were both soon sweaty and grinning as they grappled for dominance. Morgan won, but only by the slimmest of hairs. She and Max were well-matched.

“Thanks, Max. I may be out for a while—I have a new client, who’s probably going to be more demanding than the last one.”

“I would hope so. You were bored out of your mind with the last one.”

“I really was. This job is going to be much more exciting, I’m sure.” If she could convince Leigh to keep her on for long enough to solve this mystery.

Morgan went home and showered. When she was done with breakfast, she decided that Leigh must be up by now. She called Leigh’s number, which rang, but there was no answer. Morgan hung up and sent a WhatsApp instead.

Hi Leigh, my name is Morgan. Gray has assigned me to guard you. When are you free to meet? I’m ready to start at once. Please let me know.

Morgan spent the next several hours checking her phone. Leigh read the message less than an hour after Morgan sent it, but she didn’t respond. Morgan did her best not to be impatient. Leigh was probably just busy doing whatever heiresses did and hadn’t had a chance to respond yet.

She and her fiancé were getting married in six months. Maybe she was busy planning the wedding. Morgan would have thought they’d hire a wedding planner, but perhaps Leigh was the type of person who liked to do things herself.

By lunch time, there was still no response, so Morgan tried calling again. Still no answer. Leigh had been online multiple times since seeing Morgan’s message and still showed no sign of responding.

Afternoon stretched into evening and still nothing from Leigh. Morgan decided to send another WhatsApp.

Hey, Leigh, it’s Morgan again. Just checking in if you’re still interested in having someone from our company guard you. No worries if you’ve changed your mind – just let me know. If you are still interested in our services, I’d like to get started as soon as possible. I’ve read the threats against you and they sound serious. I’d like to ensure your safety as quickly as I can.

Still nothing. Morgan navigated to Gray’s WhatsApp.

Do you know if Leigh still wants a bodyguard? I’ve tried to contact her multiple times, but she’s not responding.

Gray, at least, replied quickly.

She hasn’t said anything to me about changing her mind. I’ll see if I can get hold of her.

Thanks, Gray. Let me know what she says.

Will do.

The next morning, Morgan woke up to a message from Gray.

Leigh says she still wants a bodyguard. I asked her if she got your messages, and she said she hasn’t had a chance to respond yet and will do so when she can.

Morgan wondered why Leigh had time to respond to Gray’s messages and not hers. She suspected that Leigh was getting cold feet. The woman was clearly torn over whether she even wanted someone guarding her. The fact that she kept firing her guards spoke to her desperately wanting to be left alone, but she took the threat to her life seriously enough to keep hiring people.

Morgan sighed. She had known this job was going to be difficult, but she hadn’t realized that the first difficulty would be just getting into the same room as Leigh.

She trained with Max again and called Leigh once more after breakfast. Still no answer. Morgan grumbled under her breath as she read through the information Gray had sent her again. She sent Leigh an email, on the off chance that Leigh was having phone problems, but somehow, she didn’t think that was the issue.

The day passed slowly. Morgan tried to do other things, but she kept coming back to her phone, not wanting to miss a call from Leigh. Evening came and went, and still nothing from Leigh. Morgan was more than a little frustrated by now. Did Leigh want her help or not? This was just plain rude.

Finally, the next day at around lunchtime, she got a WhatsApp from Leigh.

Hi, Morgan. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Yes, I’m still interested in your services. Can we meet tonight? I’ve got an important charity function this evening that I don’t want to miss, and Jake doesn’t want us to go without proper protection.

So, it was the fiancé who had finally pushed her into action. Well, good for him. At least one of them was taking Leigh’s safety seriously.

Sure, tonight sounds great. Where and when?

Leigh gave Morgan her address and they agreed to meet at five. The function was at seven, and Leigh apparently had to make sure that Morgan was appropriately dressed. As if Morgan couldn’t dress herself. It sounded like a formal function, so she pulled out her best suit.
