Page 56 of Rialta

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I look to Hayes. He takes no convincing to start digging into his food.

Gage takes a harsher look, but he eventually takes a few bites.

Beckett is going to take more swaying.

“Eat a couple of bites, Beckett,” I say.

He shakes his head.

“For Ri. She’s going to wake up soon, and you’re going to need your strength.”

Beckett frowns, his eyes flicking around the room—looking each of us in the eyes. Finally, he rolls his eyes and shoves a couple of quick bites of egg in his mouth, not even bothering to use a fork. But it satisfies us all.

Then we all go back to sipping our coffees and watching Ri’s chest rise and fall with each breath, hoping this is the breath she opens her eyes.

We down three more coffees by midafternoon. None of us have slept in days. Our eyes are bloodshot, our hands jittery, but all of us refuse to sleep more than a quick nod off in these chairs.

“Oh my god,” Hayes says, barely able to get the words out.

Ri’s eyes flicker open. I’ve never seen a better sight than seeing her open her eyes.

Beckett collapses on top of her, while Hayes, Gage, and I stand up—walking to the edge of the bed.

We each take turns hugging her or squeezing her hand before filing out of the room to give Beckett and her some privacy.

“I’m going to make something for everyone to eat,” Hayes says with a large grin.

“Are you always thinking about food?” Gage asks.

“Always,” Hayes grins.

Gage rolls his eyes, but he smiles as Hayes hops off to the kitchen. Then Gage turns his expression to me. “How are you feeling?”

I frown. “I’m fine.”

“Your injuries are healing?”

I ignore the burning that runs down my spine with every step, the ache in my back, and the shooting pains every time I move. I’ve been taking antibiotics to prevent infection, but I’ve given up on the pain pills. The pain is going to be with me for a long time.


Gage can see through me, but he doesn’t say anything. “Have you given any more thought about Rialta?”

I shake my head. “I’ve been trying not to think about her until Ri wakes up. Now that she has, I’ll have a conversation with her soon.”

Gage looks off in the distance, and I can tell he has more on his mind.

“What is it?”

He sighs. “I’ve been watching Rialta’s movements these last few days. Do you want to know?”

Do I want to know? Hell yes, I want to know.

“No, not until after I talk to Ri.”

He nods. “Just remember you used to be enemies.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? That we still should be? Or that enemies eventually become allies?”

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