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And I couldn’t seem to break from Dante’s intense green gaze. The man who had once been my monster was now my anchor, keeping me bound to reality when I might’ve been dragged into darkness at the contact with my most intimate areas.

“You’re so brave, Nora,” Dante praised. “The bravest woman I know.”

With his free hand, he lifted mine from the water and brushed a kiss over my knuckles. His other continued to massage my breast, stimulating me and coaxing pleasure from my ravaged body. Luca’s hand was firm on my other breast, toying with my nipple in the way he knew I liked. He handled me more gently than usual, but I couldn’t take harsher treatment at the moment. And cruel, sadistic Dante stroked me as carefully as though I was a kitten.

“Touch her clit,” he ordered Luca.

My husband grunted, a sound between irritation and desire. His cock was hard against my bottom, but I didn’t experience so much as a flicker of fear. I could trust Luca.

And I trusted Dante to never hurt me. He’d saved me so many times, putting his own life on the line for me. How could I fear him after that?

What we were doing together should feel perverse, but all I felt was comfort and pleasure at their hands.

Dante was right: I needed this.

And even though Luca didn’t seem to understand my needs in the same way, he loved me, and he would do anything for me.

Luca’s fingers trailed down my stomach, swirling around my navel before exploring lower. He slowly tested me, ensuring that I didn’t respond with fear before touching my sex.

The first brush of his thumb over my clit made me buck against him, a shocking mix of terror and pleasure bursting through me. I cried out, and Dante pinched my nipple, capturing my attention with the small flare of erotic pain.

“Don’t stop,” he growled at Luca.

He pinched my nipple again, tugging and rolling it between his deft fingers in the way I liked best. I whimpered, and my eyes slid closed as my head dropped back on Luca’s shoulder. My husband kissed my neck, nipping at my tender flesh to light up my body with carnal awareness.

But in the darkness behind my closed lids, visions of my tormentors began to coalesce. I tensed and thrashed again. Luca held me fast, his thumb rubbing my clit in firm, determined circles.

“Look at me,” Dante ordered.

My eyes flew open, and I gasped as I was immediately captured in his intent emerald gaze. I drew in a shuddering breath and released it on a soft sob of relief.

“Dante.” I whispered his name like a prayer, and my fingers sank into Luca’s thighs on either side of me, anchoring myself to him.

“I love you,” Luca rumbled in my ear, his teeth tugging at my lobe with a little bite of pain. Just the way I liked it. “You’re so beautiful, kitten. Such a good girl, submitting to me. I want an orgasm.”

He rubbed my clit in a firm, demanding rhythm while Dante toyed with my nipples. My back arched on a sharp cry, and pleasure burst through me. Both men held me fast as I writhed between them, bliss singing through my veins, chasing away the last of the toxic taint left by my tormentors.

I didn’t think about the Russians. I didn’t think about anything at all.

All that existed was the ecstasy of Luca and Dante’s hands on me, their deep, rumbling voices lavishing me with praise.

Even as I began to float back down from my high, peace enfolded me. My eyelids were heavy, and I blinked slowly.

“You did so well, darling.” Dante brushed a kiss over my flushed cheek, but he didn’t try to claim my lips.

Something like regret tugged at my gut when he pulled away, but Luca was instantly there, his big hand urging me to turn my face to his so that he could capture my lips in a fierce kiss.

While I remained locked in my husband’s embrace, Dante finished washing my body, prioritizing my needs above his evident desire for me. I could see the bulge where his cock strained against his pants, but he didn’t try to touch me sexually again. I was overstimulated, every inch of my flesh tingling. I couldn’t have taken more intimate contact. Not yet, when my body was still recovering.

After a while, Luca lifted me from the cooling water, and Dante wrapped me in a fluffy towel, carefully drying my body before slipping a silky red nightgown over my head. It was one of the indecent scraps of lingerie he’d bought for me when he’d first captured me, but the garment didn’t bother me anymore. I didn’t feel any modesty around either man. Too much had passed between us for me to feel any embarrassment over my nakedness when I was with them.
