Page 20 of Fierce-Jonah

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The double vision had stopped a few months after the knockout, but those headaches and the occasional vertigo had been horrible.

Feeling like you couldn’t walk or move without dry heaving because you were so sick from the motion of a step was a hard thing to handle for such a big man.

He’d been told it would take time and to understand that it could come and go in life. It had but never as severe as it was after the injury.

He’d had anti-nausea medicine to get him through and had to sleep most of it off. For a guy that always had to be moving, staying in bed had been hard for him.

“Hey, Dean, busy in here tonight,” he said to his employee manning the desk.

Dean was a college kid that worked nights. He’d sign people in, take their payments, and spot anyone that needed it out in the gym.

He had a handful of employees but only one full-time person that worked days. The nights and weekends were a mixture of part-timers who enjoyed the benefit of a free membership and could work out while they worked as long as they ran back to the desk as needed.

He had a few women that were running exercise classes upstairs. Rather than pay them for their time, they got a percentage of the classes. He found that worked better because it would motivate them to bring people in too. And those people who came in for a class might buy a membership for the gym in time.

“It is,” he said. “Got a few new people tonight. That doesn’t happen often.”

He looked around the gym trying to figure out who it was. He didn’t know everyone, but would recognize faces. “Anyone have any questions or need help?”

“No,” Dean said. “That chick over there seems out of place, but she just got on the treadmill and said she’d ask if she had any questions.”

His head turned to the cardio machines, saw the brunette in black leggings and a red athletic tank clinging to her body like her pants, earbuds in her ears and looking up at the TV.

Holy shit. That was Megan Harrington. And he was wishing he didn’t see her in workout gear.

He saw women all the time with bodies like hers. But she was the one that was in his mind more than she should be.

Ever since he brought her home from his sister’s wedding. That stupid awkward exchange where she asked him in and he said he had to get out of his suit or there’d be road rage.

He was trying to be funny because the road rage was more like if he stayed in her presence any longer he was afraid he’d lose whatever control he’d had left. For a man that prided himself on control it was a scary thought.

He’d considered asking to get her number the whole night they were there and dancing but in the end lost his opportunity.

The more he thought of it, the more he figured it was probably for the best. Megan was his sister’s friend. He didn’t do so well with relationships and he had a feeling Megan wasn’t the type to just be out for fun.

In the end, he figured he was doing them both a favor.

Yet, here she was in his gym.

And she turned her head and looked right at him and waved with that big grin of hers. He had no choice but to wave back.

“Do you know her?” Dean asked.

“Yeah. She’s a friend of my sister.” He walked over after getting the tape. “Megan. Decided to try out a real gym?”

She picked her phone up and hit a button and he figured it was to stop the music in her ears. Her legs were walking fast on the treadmill and she was at a high incline. There was sweat dribbling down the front of her shirt that was clinging to her breasts.

Shit, he wasn’t going to get this image out of his mind anytime soon either.

“I did,” she said. “So far it’s not that intimidating. Or maybe it’s the time.”

He looked at his watch. It was seven. “We close at nine. Most of the crowd comes after work on their way home during the week. There is a class upstairs that should be finishing in thirty minutes too.”

“I did see a bunch of women come in. I figured that was what was going on. I saw on the wall it was kickboxing. I might give that a chance. I think I can handle it.”

“Something tells me you can handle just about anything.”

“Are you fighting in the back?” she asked.
