Page 93 of Fierce-Jonah

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“I’d let you win if it was the right challenge,” he said, winking at her.

She blushed and stole some cheese off his plate, thinking the last place she wanted to go was her family’s house after how much fun she was having here.

* * *

“Areyou sure you’ve got room for dessert?” Megan asked him hours later. He ate more than normal but would always have room for a piece of pie. Though he didn’t eat sweets often, he did enjoy them when he did.

“I’ve got room,” he said. “That’s why we worked out before we ate.”

“True,” she said. “Your mom’s turkey was so moist. Don’t tell my mother, but that was much better than hers has ever been.”

“That’s why I’ve got a lot of leftovers,” he said. He’d eat turkey sandwiches for days. He’d even make some turkey salad too to eat out of a bowl. He wasn’t fussy.

“I’m not a big leftover person,” she said. “At least not with turkey.”

They were driving to her parents’ house now and she was quiet almost the minute they got in the car. “What’s going on in your head?”

She shrugged. “It’s going to be different here than your house.”

“Yeah,” he said. “Just like it’s different at the Fierces too. Not sure why you are comparing the two. You said your mother wasn’t happy, but we are stopping over. I would have come here; I didn’t care.”

He was glad he was able to skirt around the fact that the one Thanksgiving he hadn’t had at home was the one he’d spent with Molly’s parents. No one said her name and he was thankful for that.

He went along with everything Molly wanted like an idiot. He figured that was what love did, but then looking back he realized he was the only one that was that much in love.

“I know,” she said. “But I care. I wonder what they are going to get on my case about this time.”

“Maybe nothing,” he said. He’d make sure of it. Or at least stand by her.

“It’s always something,” she said. “At least it seems my sisters see it more now.”

“I think they always saw it,” he said. “Maybe they were just picking on you like older siblings do rather than being critical.”

“I think it was a combination of both,” she said and then let it drop.

They pulled into her parents’ driveway shortly after and walked in.

“Aunt Megan,” Abby said. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

“Really?” she asked.

“Yep. I want to go shopping with you. Will you take me tomorrow?”

“I told you not to ask her,” Emily said. “She has the day off and maybe she wants to spend it with Jonah. Not only that, the mall is going to be crazy tomorrow. No one in their right mind wants to shop on Black Friday.”

Megan looked at her sister and then her niece. “I hadn’t planned on going shopping tomorrow, but if you want to get your butt up early we can go. Only if Sophia goes too.”

“Me?” Sophia asked. “You want me to go too?”

“Yes,” Abby said. “Why can’t we both go and have it be a girls’ day with Aunt Megan?”

“Okay,” Sophia said quietly.

He thought that was a nice thing she’d just done. “I’ll be at the gym, so have fun.”

“I’ll be at the gym at some point,” she said. “I’ll need to work all this food off.”

“Please don’t,” Tammy said. “You’re getting too skinny. I don’t like it. I’ve got a big piece of pie for you. Maybe two. I think you need to cut back. The last thing we need is you to look sick because you’re working out too much.”
