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“Oh really?” Tess asks, brightening. “I didn’t know that. I’ve never met Dorinda before, although Rolly always sings her praises.”

I shoot a rueful smile at the beautiful brunette.

“Well, it’s because they’re two peas in a pod,” I drawl. “Both looks-wise and personality-wise. The thing is that Dorinda got her ADD under control with medication. We looked into it when Rolly was younger, but it wasn’t so severe then. Maybe it’s time to talk to him about that again though,” I muse, watching through the window as my son pokes a stick into the bushes, searching for his beloved squirrel. “I can give you the name of his pediatrician, if you want.”

But when I turn to look at my gorgeous daughter in law, her expression is crestfallen.

“What is it?” I ask, immediately concerned. “Did I say something wrong?”

“No, no,” Tess says with a big sigh, her bosom heaving. “It’s just … well, everything’s happening so fast. I didn’t even know that Rolly has potentially undiagnosed ADD.”

I nod.

“Yeah, it must be a surprise. How long did you say you guys dated before getting married again?”

Tess blushes then, looking at me from beneath her long eyelashes.

“Well, it wasn’t very long,” she says in a low voice. “Actually, we weren’t even really dating before we went for the marriage license,” she confesses. “We were just hooking up every now and then, but one day we got drunk and decided to apply for the license. Then, things snowballed, and we actually tied the knot when the time rolled around. You were at the ceremony,” she says quickly. “I mean, you were present on-line, that is.”

“I was there,” I nod thoughtfully. “So you guys really didn’t know each other very well before getting hitched, did you?”

Two spots of color flame on Tess’s cheeks.

“No, not really,” she says, blushing while staring at the ground. “That’s why I didn’t know about Rolly’s ADHD issues, although maybe now, I realize I should have guessed. He’s barely able to pay attention during lectures, and I basically give him my notes for every single class. I don’t know what he’d do if we didn’t have similar schedules,” she states.

I chuckle.

“Well, then he’s very lucky to have you, sweetheart.” But then I stand before going over to the window. “You know, I think the guards are going to stop him, but Rolly’s actually crawling through the bushes now. It’s pretty crazy that he’s so intent on finding this squirrel.”

Tess merely nods again.

“I know. But clearly, I have a lot to learn about being his wife. And of course, I’m going to learn it,” she clarifies quickly. “I’m happy to learn.”

I nod before sitting at the table again, my huge form dwarfing hers. I feel bad for the poor girl because obviously, she’s married to someone she doesn’t really know, and it’s not going the way she imagined. A normal father in law would be supportive and helpful, but I’m not your average father in law. Instead, I sense an opportunity, although of course, I need to go about this in a discreet manner.

“So tell me more about married life,” I encourage, my blue eyes friendly. “How are you adapting?” Of course, what Ireallywant to know about is their sex life, but it seems rude to get into that straight off the bat. So instead, I parry. Meanwhile, my new daughter in law lets out another huge sigh as her gaze grows rueful.

“Well, it’s not what I expected, that’s for sure,” she confesses in a low tone. “First, you know that Rolly and I don’t live together right? We got married so fast that the Housing Office didn’t have time to respond. So I’m still in my dorm room, and he’s still in his. Although, we’re moving in together asap,” she says quickly. “The Housing Office got back to us, and there’s an opening in the family housing wing, so we’re going to get an apartment together.”

My cock jerks even as I strive to remain calm. Holy fuck. Rolly’s not living with his gorgeous wife? Does that mean he’s not having sex with her? If I were my son, I wouldn’t care if we were living clear across the city from each other. I’d move into her dorm room stat so that I could be inside her curvy body every hour, on the hour, not to mention ravishing her throughout the night. Hell, Tess wouldn’t even be able to walk straight, if I were her husband.

But I can’t give away my thoughts because of course, they’re wrong. This woman belongs to my son, even if there’s no ring on her finger at the moment. As a result, I just nod and look accepting.

“That sounds tough,” I agree. “But it’s good to hear things are changing. You’ll be ensconced in a suite together soon enough.”

Tess throws me a searching look.

“Yes, but is that good or bad, Mr. Barker? I mean, you can see how Rolly is for yourself,” she says, gesturing to the open window where my son’s now crawling around the bushes like a dog sniffing for a bone. “I mean … well, I shouldn’t complain.”

At that, I put my hand over hers on the table, swallowing up that small palm in my own. Electricity jolts through my frame at our touch, but I do my best to look calm.

“What is it?” I ask in a low voice. “You can tell me, sweetheart.”

Tess swallows hard, not meeting my eyes. It’s clear that she feels the attraction between us and doesn’t know what to do. But she shakes her head again and takes a deep breath before looking up.

“Well, it’s just that I feel like Rolly’s mother sometimes, and not his wife,” she murmurs. “That’s bad, right? I feel like I’m taking care of him like he’s my baby, and not because he’s a strong alpha male who’s taking care of me. It’s so terrible because I know alpha males are just creatures of fiction. They don’t truly exist in the real world, but this isn’t what I read about in my romance novels either. I mean, ADD? Squirrel-chasing? Medication? It’s too much for me.”

Then, to my chagrin, Tess begins to cry. She looks beautiful as tears roll down those sweet cheeks, and acting on instinct, I pull her into my lap. It’s a sudden move, and I know I shouldn’t do it, but it’s too late. Besides, Tess feels incredibly warm and soft with that big bottom nestled on my thighs as she leans against me. I pull her head down to rest in the crook of my neck while stroking those soft brown curls.

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