Page 52 of His Lucky Paige

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“What’s wrong Paige?” Joel asked noting the paleness that had overtaken her.

“You know when I said I was out of the disaster business? Well…I wasn’t completely honest. I still have a few contacts who come to me first, but I usually just consult, I don’t go on site anymore.”

“Paige, what’s going on?” Jesse said prying her fingers lose from the grip on her phone.

“There’s a huge fire ravaging northern California.”

“They don’t typically call us in for them,” Craig said confused.

“No, but when the daughter and granddaughter of the fire marshal in the area are trapped on a mountain, he’ll call anyone who can help.”

“Isn’t that something a regular search and rescue crew would handle?” Hillary said. “Why call you?”

“Because the granddaughter is my goddaughter. It’s Tami and her daughter Nicole. They were down visiting, went climbing and before they knew it the fire was surrounding them. I’m going whether anyone else is, but I could use your help on the climb Jesse.”

“Absolutely, what’s the plan?”

“Right now, I don’t know. Hold on…yeah Caleb…twenty minutes? Thanks, I’m not sure how many of us there’ll be yet. We’re at the valley now…great,” she said hanging up as her friends started at her. “So, who’s coming?”

“I’m right beside you as always, girl,” Jesse stated hugging her to his side. “Where are they?”

“In the middle of a burning forest, Caleb thinks he can get us low enough to the peak so we can get down to them, but the only way out is back up. It’s not an easy climb and I have no idea how difficult it’ll be or if Tami and Nicole will be able to climb at all.”

“Which mountain?” Craig asked.

“It’s probably better if I don’t say,” she admitted shying away from their stares.

“That bad?” Moose said.

Jesse reached out and took her phone pulling up the map she’d loaded. “Whoa…they would choose to go up the craziest mountain in all of California.”

He handed the phone to Craig and the man gawked. “Ah I love ya Paige and I’d do almost anything for you but there’s no way I’ll make it down that peak let alone back up.”

“I know but they could use you on the ground to help find places to set up breaks…so what do you say?”

“Count me in…but I’m not going on that mountain.”

“Moose, Rabbit? I’m sure there’s some equipment out there you can man and Hil, no one’s better with planning evacs than you are,” Paige said turning to them as they passed the phone around.

“We’ll be there,” Rabbit agreed. “They can manage without us for a few days.”

“That we can,” Cord agreed.

“Hold on,” Joel said taking the phone from Rabbit and checking the location. “You seriously think the two of you can get down to them and back up? Come on Paige, what if they’re hurt or worse?”

“I’ll deal with it, we always do,” she said not about to admit the terror that flowed through her at the idea of them being hurt. She couldn’t stand around and do nothing though or stand around arguing with Joel over this all day. She had to do something fast. “Look if you’re that worried come with us. If you think you can hack the climb that is. Being down in the mine or working in the office is a lot different than sweating it out on the side of a mountain.”

“You’d be surprised what I can hack, so I think I will come, make sure you get back here safely.”

“Now that sounds like a good idea,” Cord said with a smile at them.

“It does and it’ll give us a chance to get to know this Dawson character. Looked like the two of you were quite chummy just now,” Sam added as Joel moved over towards her.

“Wait you all thought…oh my god, now that is funny,” Paige laughed until tears ran down her cheeks as she attempted to push away the fear gripping her.

“What?” Hillary said staring at her.

“Dawson would you like to explain, or should I?” she asked turning to him with a grin.
