Page 68 of His Lucky Paige

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“No, Sam I swear I didn’t touch her. All right, we started ‘dating’ if you want to call it that when she was sixteen but nothing outside of kisses happened. I knew your dad would go ballistic if something happened to her and I wasn’t going to take that chance.”

“But the changes when she was eighteen…you stopped waiting.”

“She came to me Sam, not the other way around. I will wait for the rest of my life for her if I have to just as I would have back then.”

“I should still kick your ass. No wonder she picks such losers. She never had a chance to date around growing up.”

“She did though if you recall. Her entire freshman year was nothing but a string of dates.”

“Like your entire freshman and sophomore years in college…the revolving door at the dorm certainly got a workout from you.”

“I was trying to forget Paige my freshman year and most of those were single dates that didn’t last more than ten minutes because they weren’t her. Our sophomore year…Paige and I were together then, the girls were for show, so you wouldn’t get suspicious. If you think back, you’ll remember there were three of them and they all were in on the secret.”

“What secret?”

“That I was dating my roommate and best friend’s little sister and he’d kill me if he found out. They found it amusing but after meeting Paige they offered to help us out.”

“Why the hell would they do that?”

“Because no one can say no to Paige, and they knew I was crazy about her.”

“You all were crazy. You’re seriously telling me that you waited two entire years for my sister?”

“Three really when you count the fact that once she found her way into my mind and heart I couldn’t…didn’t want anyone else.”

“What about after the two of you split? You haven’t been celibate the past ten years.”

“No but there hasn’t been that many and none of them were Paige.”

“Come on, Jolene?”

“Too clingy…”


“Too…wimpy, she didn’t want to do anything, in or out of bed.”

“Megan, the one with the huge…”

“Fake boobs? Not my style.”

“Man, you’re really hooked on her, aren’t you?” Sam laughed shaking his head at his friend.

“Hooked and waiting to be reeled in. I don’t care what she says. That’s not what’s the most important when it comes to Paige and being honest about her feelings, emotions. It’s what she does and how her eyes look when she’s doing it.”

“I don’t think I want to hear anything about ‘doing it’ when it comes to my little sister. Love her, hate her…lord knows there were plenty of times I wanted to strangle her growing up, she’s my sister and if you hurt her, I’ll hurt you.”

“Then tell her to stop hurting herself and come back to me. I’ve lost her twice. I can’t do it again.”

“Twice…oh when Dad had his heart attack.”

“Yeah, I went looking for her about four months afterwards because I couldn’t get her out of my head, but she was gone. I couldn’t find anyone who knew her much less where she’d gone, and I swore if I ever found her again I’d hold on until we were old, gray and senile.”

“You should tell her that.”

“I’ve tired but every time I bring up anything regarding feelings she runs. Speaking of which, I should get going. Your dad and I are meeting with some people at the insurance agency and a lawyer Paige suggested.”

“Ah yeah, the beast. I wonder if he’s another of Paige’s conquests,” Sam said trying to rile him.
