Page 53 of Too Hot To Touch

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I smile at the phone,sending back a quick thanks before I shove the phone away and head back upstairs to check on Adeline.



I helpAdeline bring the puppies in. I know that this is hard for her but we both agreed that having eight dogs is too much. She decided to keep Quiche, like I knew she would, and Aspen and the boys adopted Mowgli and Bianca is going to take Naia. I think it’s easier knowing that they’ll have good homes and she’ll be here to check out anyone else who wants to adopt the others.

We’ve been together, officially, for one week and I told her I wanted to take her out to celebrate. She laughed at me and said she thinks that usually, you celebrate when you’re dating for longer than a week. I told her I didn’t care and she finally gave in.

I kiss Adeline goodbye and head for my next stop. A jewelry store a couple of blocks away. I’ve been designing something that would be perfect for Adeline since the day I saw her picture and it’s finally ready.

I picked out a heart-shaped diamond in a silver band with tiny stones in the band. The stones are different gemstones and look like a rainbow. When I flip the box open and look at it, it reminds me so much of Adeline.

She’s been through so much, survived so much, and she’s still so full of life and light. She is my heart, my entire world, and she deserves a ring that will show that. I close the box and head home to make sure that everything else is set.

I head back to the shelter to pick Adeline up and she smiles as she climbs into the car. She leans across the console and kisses me before I can get any words out.

“Hey, how was work?”

“Good. All of the puppies got adopted today. I got to meet the new owners and they all seemed so sweet. Mac got picked by this family who had the cutest little girl. And Neal,”

She chatters on about each of the puppies’ new owners and I’m so glad that she’s happy about them finding their forever homes. I know she was a little sad that they couldn’t all stay with us.

We pull up in front of our house and I help her out of the car and up the stairs. I open the door and she steps in, stopping instantly as she sees what I set up for us.

There are flowers everywhere. On the floor, tables, stairs, and everywhere that doesn’t have flowers is covered in candles and rose petals. In the center of the room, is a blanket with a picnic basket set up next to it.

She turns to me with unshed tears in her eyes.

“Happy one-week anniversary?” She asks.

“Yeah. Happy anniversary, love.”

I take her hand and lead her over to the blanket. She settles down on one side and I sit closer to her, opening the basket and taking out some fruit and cheese. We eat one course at a time as she tells me more about the puppies’ new owners and some changes that are going to happen at the shelter. She looks so happy and I didn’t know that it was possible, but I fall even more in love with her at that moment.

“Where’s Quiche?” She asks as we finish dessert.

“In his crate. I didn’t want him knocking over one of the candles. Let me grab him.”

I rise from the blanket and head into the other room to let the puppy out. I scoop him up in my arms and carry him over to her. She takes him from me and cuddles him against her for a minute, stroking his soft fur as he wiggles all over her. I can tell the moment that her fingers touch it. She looks confused as she pulls him away from her to look at what’s on his collar.

“Lincoln?” She gasps.

I smile down at her as I unhook the ring from Quiche’s collar and hold it out.

“Adeline, I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you. You make my life better, just by being in it. I would do anything for you. Move across the street from your best friend, adopt eight dogs, anything. I love you. I’m yours, now and forever, and I would be honored if you would be mine. Will you marry me, my love?”

My breath catches in my lungs as I wait anxiously for her answer. I’m worried that she’ll say no, that she’ll think that it’s too soon, or that we’re moving too fast. I know in my heart that she is my one and only and I’m just hoping that she’ll see that too.

“Oh, Lincoln. Yes.” She says softly and my heart feels so full that I think it might burst.

“Adeline.” I say as I tackle her and Quiche to the blanket.

She laughs as tears slide down her cheeks. I would be worried about the tears but she has the biggest smile on her face and I know that she’s happy. There’s so much love shining from her eyes and it’s directed all at me. I don’t know how I got so lucky but I will spend every day for the rest of my life, making sure that she is always this happy.

“I love you Adeline.”

“I love you too, Lincoln.”
