Page 57 of Too Hot To Touch

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I want Bianca to be safe, of course, but I also like staying with her. Living by yourself can be lonely. That's why I spend most of my time at work. I have my own place, a one-bedroom apartment downtown, but there’s really just a bed there and it’s never quite felt like home.

Bianca’s place feels like home. She’s got a plump couch that you can sink into and so much color everywhere. There are pictures on the walls and end tables and knick-knacks from her life on bookshelves. It’s lived in and loved and it makes me sad to think about going back to my place after we’ve dealt with Brad.

Maybe it’s not the stuff in her place that I’m drawn to though. I think it’s her. From the moment that I walked into the corner market to walk her home; I was attracted to her. She was sick, with a red nose and Kleenex clutched in one hand when I first introduced myself to her. She had told me her name and thanked me about a hundred times for coming to do this and I thought her stuffed up voice was adorable. Her blonde hair was twisted up into a messy bun and her blue eyes looked a little watery but I still thought that she was the most beautiful woman that I had ever seen.

I had walked her home that night and helped her take some medicine before I asked her some questions about her stalker and what was happening with him. We talked for a little bit and I stepped out to make a phone call. When I came back inside, she was fast asleep, curled up on the couch. I tucked her in and then sat in the chair facing her. I fell asleep at some point too because I woke up to a sore neck and her eyes watching me. I apologized for falling asleep there but she said it was ok, that having me there made her feel safe and that’s how I ended up spending every night over there for the last two weeks.

I had called Lincoln with an update the next day and told him that I would take over the case. He was dealing with a hungover Adeline so the call was short. I spent the rest of the day combing her apartment for bugs and running down to the store to get her some soup and some more Kleenex.

I got back to her apartment and found Lincoln and Adeline there. Bianca had adopted one of the puppies they were taking care of and they wanted to drop her off and tell her that they were engaged. I got there right when they were leaving and I offered them both my congratulations before heading inside.

The puppy was cute. A mix of some kind and it was climbing all over Bianca when I walked in. She was laughing and trying to avoid the puppy’s excited licks. She saw me standing there watching them and smiled at me. My heart flipped over in my chest and I think I fell in love with her right then and there.

There was just something about her. She was so sweet and full of life and I was drawn to it. I wanted to protect her and keep her safe from Brad and anything else that wanted to hurt her. I had never wanted a wife or girlfriend, they were more trouble than they were worth I thought, but watching Bianca wrestle with her puppy, Naia, I thought that maybe she would be worth it.

I’ve spent the last two weeks trailing after her as she goes to work or runs errands. I say it’s for her protection and that’s partly true but a bigger part is that I just want to spend time with her, get to know her. I’ve learned a lot about my pretty girl in that time.

One, she’s a hard worker. She opens the coffee shop with Aspen five days a week and she works through the busy morning without complaint. I usually sit at a table in the corner and watch her. I’m there to make sure that Brad doesn’t come back in and harass her but we haven’t seen any sign of him since I started protecting her.

Two, she’s smart and funny. She has customers and her friends laughing most of the day with her sense of humor and quick wit. She can make anyone feel welcome and at home and I’m sure that’s why she’s always on the register while Aspen makes the orders.

Three, she doesn’t let many people get close to her. She has Adeline and Aspen but other than that, she seems to keep to herself. Sure, she’s really friendly but I’ve noticed that when she talks to people that she doesn’t really tell them anything important about her. I’ve seen guys ask her out but she turns them all down. I’m not sure if it’s because of Brad or if maybe she feels my eyes glaring holes into the backs of the guys and she’s worried about their safety.Maybe she feels something for me too.That’s probably wishful thinking, but whenever anyone asks her on a date, her eyes always flick over to me. It’s only for a second but I always catch it. It’s her tell.

I’ve heard Adeline and Aspen both tease Bianca about her dating history. Apparently, she goes on a lot of first dates but no one has ever made it to a second. What I can’t figure out, is why? Surely someone must have been worth a second date.

We make it back to her place and I wait while she unlocks the door. I step in first, doing a quick sweep to make sure that the place is empty. She makes her way over to a chair, collapsing down into it as she kicks her shoes off and stretches. Naia makes her way over to her and I watch as Bianca picks her up, cuddling her to her chest.

“Do you need to go outside, Naia?” She asks and I see her look back at her shoes. She’s been wearing heels all night and I’m sure that her feet are tired.

“I’ll take her.” I offer.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, it’s no problem.” I say already grabbing the leash by the door.

Naia runs over to me as soon as she sees what’s in my hand and I hook it to her collar before I grab my key off the counter.

“Lock the door behind me.” I order.

She nods and I walk out, standing on the other side of the door until I hear the lock click.

I walk Naia outside and she does her business. I walk her around the block once before we head back upstairs. I unlock the door and let Naia off her leash. She rushes over to Bianca who scoops her up.

“Ready for bed?” She coos at the dog and I wish that she was asking that to me instead.

“Thanks for taking her. I’m tired. I’m going to head to bed.” She yawns.

“Ok. You open the shop in a couple hours, right?” I confirm.

“Yeah.” She says as she makes her way back to her room.

“Goodnight, Bryson.” She whispers.

“Goodnight, Bianca.”


