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And now here she was again, looking stunning. The unwanted heat settled back in his groin on cue.

Kaliah Khan—and her strident beauty—was a distraction he did not need while he looked for a biddable woman to propose to this weekend.

She sent him a flat look and placed a clenched fist on her hip, making the gown’s fabric skim her cleavage in a way that had his mouth watering involuntarily.

‘Demanded, actually,’ she replied, her brutal honesty gaining his grudging respect. ‘But I’m willing to overlook your ruining my chances of winning the race.’ She bit the words off, her temper making those pure blue eyes sparkle like the jewels in her intricately beaded hair. ‘So I can help you out tonight. My father says you don’t know anyone, that you’re not used to this kind of event, and he wants you to feel welcomed and at ease.’

His back stiffened. He could hear only irritation in her tone at her father’s demand, rather than condescension, but he had spent enough of his life being looked down on to detect it nonetheless.

Having spent twenty minutes wrestling with the idiotic piece of fabric around his neck, he was not about to be bested by this spoilt young woman.

‘Tell His Divine Majesty that I appreciate it,’ he said, making it very clear he did not appreciate it. ‘But I do not require the help of someone who believes herself above me.’

He stepped back, intending to shut the door, glad to have the last word and expecting her to be glad she would not have to spend the night in his company. But, to his surprise, she slapped her hand against the heavy oak. The irritation had left her eyes to be replaced by what could only be described as curiosity.

‘Wait—what gave you the impression I think I’m above you?’ she asked, the question apparently a genuine one.

Because you were born royal. And I was born a nobody.

He cut off the errant thought ruthlessly. The accident of his birth did not make him beneath any man...or any woman.

Feeling annoyed and exposed, he propped his shoulder against the door frame, crossed his arms over his chest and glared at her.

‘Is this not the case?’ he asked, determined to regain the high ground. ‘When we met earlier, you did not speak to me with respect.’

To his surprise, instead of saying what he had expected—that of course she was better than him—a line appeared between her brows and her gaze softened, making the deep blue glow with something that looked oddly like embarrassment.

‘Well, to be fair, you didn’t exactly talk to me with much respect either,’ she said. Before he could counter her observation, she added, ‘That said, I was angry with you earlier for rescuing me when I didn’t need rescuing. But, if I gave you the impression I was angry at you for some other reason, I apologise. Believe me, I don’t think I’m above anyone. And, at the moment, my father would certainly agree with me on that score.’

He straightened from the door frame, so surprised by the candid comment and what sounded like genuine regret that he was momentarily disconcerted.

Surely it had to be a trick?

But somehow, he couldn’t seem to throw her artless apology back in her face. Because it was the first he had ever received from someone of her status. The pulse of emotion in his chest was ruthlessly quashed, though. Sentimentality had no place in his life. And he certainly did notrequirean apology from her or anyone else. He had stopped caring what people thought of him a long time ago.

‘If you are genuinely sorry, perhaps you could show me how to deal with this.’ He flicked the offending tie. Maybe she could be useful after all. ‘Do you know what is supposed to be done with such a pointless thing?’

She nodded, clearly willing to accept the uncomfortable truce. Then, to his surprise, she sashayed past him into the suite of rooms. The swish of her skirt sent a waft of the subtle, refreshing perfume through his system again...and gave him a disturbing view of her naked back. The damned gown plunged down to the curve of her backside, and his gaze snagged on the round orbs again, which looked like two ripe plums ready to be plucked.

He forced his gaze to her flushed face as she swung round to face him.

‘Okay, you’d better close the door,’ she said, the guileless look in her eyes suggesting she had no idea how that request would make the heat pulse in his groin. ‘I’m not exactly an expert myself on bow-ties, but I’ve helped out my younger brothers a few times, so I’ll give it my best shot.’

He found himself closing the door against all his better instincts. But, as she reached up on tiptoe to grasp the two ends of fabric, he tensed. ‘What are you doing?’ he growled, his voice a rusty purr.

Good God, was she trying to unman him?

She stood so close, the gown brushed his legs and he could see the outer edges of her breasts. Was she even wearing a bra? How did her breasts remain inside the gown—surely they could fall out at any moment?

Her gaze rose to his, her golden skin darkening as she blushed. Her blue eyes were guileless—but also round with curiosity. ‘Tying your bow-tie,’ she said. ‘What did you think I was going to do—ravage you?’

Liah cursed the loaded question as soon as it left her lips.

Why did she always have to say exactly what she thought? And what on earth had she been thinking, strolling so casually into this man’s suite? Because, now she was standing in the large lavishly furnished living area, alone with him, it felt far too...dangerous.

She stepped back, aware of the dark intensity in his gaze and the heat emanating off his muscular frame.

She’d been instantly overwhelmed as soon as he’d flung open his door with that harsh look on his hard, angular features. Which was of course why she’d begun babbling inanely—and trying to assert herself.
