Page 131 of Sidelined

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“Sal,” he moaned my name.

“Let go for me, Theo.”

At the mention of his name, he made a mess of my chest, and I flipped us so I could finish on his.

Once we were finished, his eyes had gone soft, and that anger I had felt returned.

“Sal,” he began to say, but I didn’t want to hear it. It was better not to say anything at all.

“Shhhh, it’s okay, Theo,” I soothed him even though I wanted to wring his fucking neck. Instead, I kissed him softly as every message Armando sent me came front and center. I wrapped my arms around him, lulling him to sleep as I stayed awake all night, wondering what I would do with him.

Well played, little lion. Well played.

He literally fucked me over.

Nothing like some alone time to get all my affairs in order.

I threw my head back and laughed because of all the uncertainties I had, one thing I was sure of.

Theodore Lyons was mine.


* * *

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Claudia lives in the Chicagoland suburbs. When she’s not busy chasing after her adorable little spawn, she’s fighting with the characters inside her head.

Claudia writes both sweet and dark romances that will give you all the feels. Her other talents include binge watching shows on Netflix and eating all kinds of chips.

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While this is technically a standalone and can be read entirely separate from any of my other works, I would highly recommend reading Don’t You Dare first. Avery is portrayed as somewhat of an antagonist in Don’t You Dare, and this is his “redemption” story. One plotline directly feeds the other in cause and effect. The majority of the events within Don’t You Dare happen prior to the beginning of Never Will I Ever, and that includes the shifted state of Kaleb and Avery’s relationship from acquaintances/teammates to enemies.

Also, it’s important to note this is not a standard novella, but the beginning of a full-length novel. Therefore, there is no conclusion at the end of the allotted length for the anthology. Consider it a teasing taste of what’s to come from Avery and Kaleb’s story later in 2023, which can be preordered here.

