Page 40 of Sidelined

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Twisting his fingers inside me, he rubbed against that bundle of nerves and completely disrupted my train of thought. “You want me to stop?”

Of everything racing through my head, that was the last thing I wanted. “No,” I said quickly before he took my silence as a “Yes.”

“You want to keep going?”

Whatever uncertainty had been creeping into the back of my mind was crushed by his question, the fact he even gave a damn and bothered asking. “Yeah.”

“Then turn around and get on your knees and get to work with that bratty mouth of yours.” He grabbed me by the back of my shirt and hauled me off of the table.

Already salivating at his command, I spun and dropped to my knees for him. I hated authority figures, always had. I hated being at someone else’s beck and call. But Alex was different. Somehow he got under my skin and made me jump at his every request. Maybe because he was generally a “good” guy, except when it came to keeping his fucking promises.

Sliding his zipper down, I shimmied his pants out of the way while he reached into his Andrew Christian’s and pulled out his cock, pumping it slowly. He was hard as a fucking rock, a silver strand of pre-cum glistening on the flushed head.

It was the cock of my fucking dreams, of every childhood fantasy and one drunken memory commingling together. I’d only experienced it once and thanks to the vodka and the turmoil of the subsequent days, I’d forgotten a lot of the details, but being presented with it again, up close and personal, a host of feelings rushed through me.

He gripped my chin between his thumb and forefinger, his blue eyes softening. “What’s wrong?”

“I can’t do this again.” It was out of my mouth before I could reel it back in. And once again, the damage was done. I couldn’t take it back. There was only one thing I could do—run.

Shaking my head, I pulled out of his grip and got to my feet, fixing my pants as quickly as I could.


I heard the silent question attached to my name, just like I heard his zipper and his footsteps as they hastened to catch up to me. I didn’t stop and I didn’t answer him, flying down the stairs and out the backdoor of the restaurant.

He caught up to me in the alley behind the bar, halfway between the door and my car, just shy of escape.

“Aaron. Stop!”

“I’m not fucking doing this with you right now!”

“Please, just talk to me!”

“Leave me alone, Alex.” I shrugged him off and kept moving for my car. My eyes burned in the freezing winter air and I blinked hard, grateful he was behind me and couldn’t see how fucking pathetic I was.

“No, I won’t.” He darted in front of me, his breath coming in fast puffs of glittery clouds. “After ten years, I finally have you back in my life. I’m not going to let you walk away again and treat me like I’m a stranger when we are so much more than that.”

“Hurts, huh?” I smirked, reclaiming an iota of control I was rapidly losing by the second. “Feeling like you’re nothing?”

“You’re not nothing. You were never nothing.”

“Really? Could have fucking fooled me.”

“What did you want me to do? Take you to Mississippi with me? I texted you! I called you! You never answered! When I came home for Christmas, you were gone!”

“Convenient excuse since the fuckwad who is my father turned off my cell phone! But that doesn’t explain why you never answered any of my messages, Mister High and Mighty.”

“I never got any!” His face crumpled a moment before he ran his palm over it, exhaling a weary sigh. “Because he turned mine off too. Goddamn it! We were on the same plan and when Paul canceled everything, we all got new numbers.”

Well… fuck.

That certainly explained why the guy who did eventually answer Alex’s number told me to fuck off and stop calling.

God fucking damn it.

I wanted to scream into the void, to find a way to undo my mistakes, to apologize for being a fucking idiot. But all I could muster was a half-hearted shrug. “Guess it wasn’t meant to be, then. Glad we cleared all that up. You feel better now?”

He grabbed my bicep and kept me in place before I could so much as pivot to walk away. “Why are you here? Why did you come back to Middleton?”
