Page 42 of The Darkness In You

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“Yeah. So while I won’t presume to know anything you’ve been through, and I’m not trying to make comparisons, I just wanted to let you know you’re not alone. Cade and West, too—she was their stepmother, and they had more reason to resent her than most.”

“Thanks for telling me.” I met her open, honest gaze. “It means a lot.”

“Good.” She gave me a quick smile before raising her voice again. “Tea or coffee or something else?”

“She’ll have a latte with one sugar.”

Both Winter and I turned to Zayde, Winter’s brows flying up as she studied him.


“Good guess. You almost got it right. I’ll have it without the sugar, though.” Thankfully, the sentence came out steady, my voice deciding not to betray me. Zayde was right, except for the fact that in my time away, I’d learned to take my coffee without sugar. But the fact that he’d remembered how I used to have it…

“You’re on coffee duty, then, Z.” Winter gave him a bright smile and then bounded over to Caiden, planting a kiss on his cheek as he very unsubtly felt up her ass.

My gaze returned to Zayde, watching as he made my latte. When he brought the cup over to me, he leaned in, speaking too low for anyone else to hear. “I remembered.”

“I remember how you have yours. Black.”

“Like my soul,” he said, his lips kicking up, and I found my own answering smile pulling at my mouth before I remembered myself. But when he leaned in even closer and his hot breath fanned across my cheek, goosebumps erupted all along my arms. His tongue came out, sliding across his lips, and the glint of his piercing was enough to make my knees weak.

Somehow, I made it through the rest of breakfast by steadfastly refusing to look at him, although I felt his gaze boring into me. The conversation flowed around me, no one expecting me to contribute, which I was grateful for, and bit by bit, I began to relax.

When everyone had finished eating, I stood. “Um. Thank you for breakfast. I’m going now.”

“Do you need a lift?” Winter asked immediately, but I shook my head. After Zayde’s insistence on taking me back last night, I’d pre-empted their actions, and I’d ordered myself an Uber, which was due outside at any minute.

“Thanks, but I’ve already sorted out a lift.” I paused, glancing around the room again. “Thank you all. Really. You didn’t have to welcome me, but you did, and just…thank you.” With a small wave, I backed out of the kitchen and made my escape.

Footsteps followed me, so I increased my pace. As I reached the front door, a hand closed around my arm, but I shook it free, pulling open the door at the same time.The Uber was waiting right outside, idling on the driveway, and I dived into the back with a sigh of relief.

As I left the house behind, the last thing I saw in the rear-view mirror was Zayde, his fists clenched at his sides and his icy eyes burning with fire.


The graveyard was quiet, with just a few other people meandering between the headstones, flowers clasped in their hands, and the respectful silence in the air only broken by the sound of the trees rustling in the autumn breeze and the birds chirping softly. Leaves crunched under my feet as I followed James’ instructions, making my way to the family plot that I’d never visited before now. I hadn’t even been able to attend Tim’s funeral because I’d been shipped off to Switzerland so soon after he’d gone.

It was easy to spot the headstone, still shiny and new, black marble with my brother’s name etched into the surface, the dates underneath. Below that was a short inscription, followed by a Thomas Campbell quote.

Beloved son and brother.

To live in the hearts of those we love is not to die.

I sank to the ground, tracing my fingers across his name.

Timothy Lewis Hyde.

“Why did you have to leave, Tim?” I pressed my forehead to the cold headstone. “We were supposed to get away from here together. You’re my brother, and I miss you so much.”

Tears slipped down my face as I lost myself in memories of my brother. A soft breeze blew through the cemetery, caressing my hair, and for a moment, I felt it. A presence, like Tim was really there.

“What do I do, Tim? I feel so lost and confused. Everything seemed easier when I was away. My therapist worked so hard, and I thought I was okay. But being back here…I feel like I’m being pulled in a million different directions. You died, and I’m still in love with the person who—” I cut myself off, not ready to relive that moment. I’d blanked most of it out for a long time. It was a normal reaction, or so I’d been told, a way for my mind to protect itself. I hadn’t wanted to remember because doing so would be exposing the raw feeling inside of me, and I knew the pain would be indescribable. I’d already had enough pain to last for a lifetime.

“I hope wherever you are, you’re at peace,” I whispered. The breeze caressed me again, and I smiled through my tears. “If that’s you, I want you to know that I love you. And I’ll stay strong for you. Make you proud of me.

“It’s so hard. I feel so alone. You’re not here, and the boy I loved—” With a gasp, I suddenly remembered something. I’d planned to tell Tim about Zayde. I’d never had the chance. “Tim? I need to tell you something. I fell in love with a boy that I don’t think you would approve of. I definitely don’t think that Joe would approve, and he’d have a lot to say on the matter, but the chances are, you would have understood. Eventually. If you could have seen how happy he made me. Did you know that he was my first kiss, and I was his? You probably don’t want to know that, huh?”
