Page 52 of Reluctant Heir

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“For two years?” William asks, eyebrows raised in a clear sign of disbelief.

“Yes, almost two years. It’s been a year and eight months now. He thought we should make it public once his father died and he got the news of the will.” I smile at them, trying to play the part of a devoted girlfriend who only wants what’s best for her man.

“And are you a woman of faith?” Paul asks, his voice quiet compared to the rest, but his eyes are as dark when they are focused on me.

These aren’t good men.

“I was baptized Catholic as a baby by my parents before they passed. I can’t say that I’m practicing at the moment, but I am a believer.” I cross my fingers, apologizing for the lie. I know these men are Catholic, and I don’t for one second think that they practice either. They don’t have any faith, but they put on a good show.

“Would you kill for him?” William asks, leaning forward.

I turn toward him. His fleshy face makes me cringe, and I fight to not look anywhere else.

“Excuse me?” I ask, not sure what I’m hearing.

“We value loyalty above all, and as a wife, you would need to be the most loyal. If Connor were in a position that warranted it, would you kill for him?”

The men ogle me, almost unblinkingly, as I mull over my words.

I don’t really understand why they are even asking this question. It seems an odd one, and I wonder if their wives would kill for them.

Or maybe their wives would rather kill them instead.

It must take a special woman to be involved in this life.

“I think that if his life were in danger, I would try to protect him. But I doubt I would be much help. He seems to know how to take care of himself.”

“You aren’t a part of this world, Wryn. You didn’t grow up in it. Are you sure this is what you want?” William asks.

“You didn’t either,” I say, knowing that this sect of the American Mafia has only been around since Bertrand moved here a little under twenty years ago. Fun fact I found out in all my digging. “Who’s to say you are cut out for it?”

I almost can’t believe my own audacity, but I don’t try and take it back. The words are out now, and I jump when Antonio starts to laugh.

“You’ve got fire in you,” Antonio says to me before glancing around at the other men. “We’d best watch out for this one.”

His words, though spoken jovially, carry an ominous tone, and I don’t miss it. I won’t be flying under the radar. My actions will be seen and noted, and I’d better watch my back.

Antonio pounds on the table and flips his folder closed, as do the other men. They start to talk among themselves and then stand, meandering across the room to the table set up with a decanter and glasses. I sit at the table, staring after them.

I curl my hands into fists and glare at them as their backs are turned, angry by their blatant dismissal. They didn’t even bother to actually tell me to go. It’s as if I don’t matter a bit to them, and I don’t. This whole charade is laughable. It’s a power play. It doesn’t mean anything. I doubt they even needed to do it.

I stand and smooth my pants down, collecting myself before I stride for the door that I entered through. I keep my head down, hoping I don’t attract their attention as I open it. Connor and Geo turn to look at me as I walk out, and the door shuts with a soft click behind me.

“Can we go?” I ask him, walking closer.

I don’t feel safe here. Technically, I shouldn’t feel safe anywhere but definitely not here. These men let me know I was a joke, expendable. And I should have known that all along. I might have a false sense of security around Connor, but I have no sense of security here.

Connor doesn’t answer but glances behind me as I hear the door open again. I quickly step around him, standing beside Geo. Part of me wants to grab his arm and cower like a child, but I don’t. I can’t do that. I at least have to give the appearance of a strong woman, one worthy of marrying a Mafia boss, even though I feel far from that.

What did you get me into, Rubes? What have I gotten myself into?

When I find her—ifI find her—she has a lot of answering to do.

“Are we good here?” Connor asks whoever is behind me, and I turn, composing myself.

Antonio’s voice rings out, and I can sense Geo stiffen beside me.

Bad blood there too?What is it about these men and their kids not liking them?
