Page 53 of Reluctant Heir

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“We are good. What a spectacular lady you’ve found here. We can’t wait for her to become a part of the families.”

My eyes meet Antonio’s, and he smiles at me, a cold, calculating look. I feel like it’s a warning and not a welcome. His smile tells me to think long and hard before I connect myself with them. But unfortunately for him, me, and maybe Connor, I’m already connected.

I’m in this, and I can’t back out now.

“It will be a pleasure,” I tell him, standing my ground even though I don’t feel one ounce of confidence.

“That’s it?” Connor asks him.

“It was more of a formality,” Antonio replies.

Some of the other men file out behind him, drinks in hand and hushed conversations happening.

“A formality? You told me this was required,” Connor says, and I can hear the anger in his voice.

I can see his jaw flexing from where I’m standing, staring at his profile. His strong nose, full brows, hair falling slightly on his forehead. I want to trace one finger along that line where his neck meets his ear and on around to the other side. He’s so masculine, so pleasing to the eye. So. Fucking. Dangerous.

“Ah, what’s the difference?” Antonio asks, turning his attention to Connor.

“This wasn’t something that had to be done? Do I even have to get married?” Connor spits words quickly at him, and my eyes widen.

If he doesn’t need me, then what will happen?

I’m a sitting duck.

“It’s required for you to be married. We wanted to have the chance to talk to the lucky lady beforehand.”

“This is fucking ridiculous,” Connor says, stepping forward, getting in Antonio’s face. “I don’t appreciate you lying to me.”

His fury colors his cheeks red, and Antonio has the decency to look slightly put off by the outburst. Maybe Antonio doesn’t have it all together like he wants us to believe.

I need to figure out how these families work because I’m getting the vibe that Connor could ruin them all and they are trying their damnedest to stop that from happening by keeping him under their thumb.

Connor gets in his face, and Geo puts an arm across me, pushing me back as his other hand goes to something underneath his suit jacket. A gun most likely.

“You’ll pay for this,” Connor says, seething.

Antonio straightens his back, moving his head and trying to look down his nose at him but failing. It’s hard with the height that Connor has over him.

“Is that a threat?” Antonio asks, cocking one eyebrow, as if he doesn’t have a care in the world, but I can see tiny beads of sweat dotting his forehead.

“Yes,” Connor says. He turns abruptly and strides past Geo and me, who quickly follow him.

Time to get the hell out of here.

And fast.



“Geo!” I wait until he pokes his head in my office and then ask, “Where is Sylvia?”

“I haven’t seen her recently.”

“Go find her. Tell her I want to talk to her,” I say with a flick of my hand. Geo mutters something under his breath, and I glance up. “What was that?”

He glares at me with murder in his eyes, and I smirk back. I’m in no mood. He stalks off, and I go back to pacing the floor with a drink in hand. Now that I think about it, she hasn’t been at any of the dinners, and I haven’t seen her in passing around the house. Maybe Lilliana would know.
