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“It’s not like I’ll be going home to sleep,” I mumbled. The clubhouse was still loud with voices, but it had definitely mellowed from earlier in the night. People were taking off, bringing their kids and their wives home to bed.

“Give him hell,” Gramps said with a chuckle.

“If he doesn’t want to be here with us,” I said with a shrug. “Why would I give him hell for it? I’d rather he wasn’t here if he doesn’t want to be.”

“Bullshit,” Gramps said. “Don’t go playin’ that game. Nobody wins that game.”

“I’m not playing any game.”

“You want him beside you, you fight for it.”

“I shouldn’t have to fight for it,” I countered.

“Sweetheart,” he said with a sigh, squeezing me before dropping his arm. “Don’t you think it’s about time you did? Think on it.”

It wasn’t long after that I rounded up Rhett and Otto and headed back to Michael’s house. Gramps was right, I needed to get Rhett home to bed, and I was honestly exhausted from keeping up with the happy façade. Michael’s family had seen right through it, and they’d watched most of it with smiles on their faces. They knew I was pissed, and they seemed to be happy about it, which seemed weird.

Rhett passed out before we’d even gotten off club property, so the truck was silent as I followed the familiar route to my old house, the lights of Otto’s car illuminating the rearview mirror.

I was so tired. Disappointed and tired. Nervous and angry and scared and tired. Part of me wanted to go searching for Michael, even though I had no idea where he’d gone, but most of me just wanted to crawl into bed with Rhett and think about everything in the morning. I’d made it through the club gauntlet mostly unscathed. Parker had followed me like I’d worried he would, and he’d made the mistake of following me straight to the club, so that was over, too. Heather agreed to watch Rhett when I started work the next week, and soon I’d have some money coming in.

So why, as everything was falling neatly into place, did I feel so overwhelmed? Why did Michael seem further away than when he’d walked into his parents’ house and found Rhett and me there? My stomach churned as I turned into the driveway and watched the garage door roll open.

“Hey, you need any help?” Otto asked as I climbed out of the truck.

I debated asking him to carry Rhett inside, then shook my head. “I got it.”

“Alright,” he muttered. “I’ll be right behind you.” He hit the garage switch as he walked back out and it closed as I grabbed Rhett out of his seat.

I was dragging and lost in my own thoughts as I kicked off my shoes and carried Rhett through the house, and it’s the only reason I can think of that I didn’t see the man sitting on the chair in the living room.

“Where’s your boyfriend?” Parker asked, making me jolt so hard that I nearly dropped Rhett.

“What the hell are you doing?” I hissed, staring at him. Whenever I’d imagined him finding us, I’d always thought I would jump into action, making sure Rhett and I were safe and out of his reach before he could blink. It didn’t happen that way, though. It was like I couldn’t comprehend how he was there, in Michael’s house, in the dark.

“Give me back the money you stole,” he replied grimly. He tapped his hand against the arm of the chair, the pistol in it making a dull thudding noise that made me flinch.

“I don’t have it,” I stuttered, wrapping my arms tightly around Rhett. He was still passed out, completely unaware of the way my entire body shook. “I-I used it. Coming up here. On hotels and gas and—”

“Bullshit,” Parker barked. “No way you spent all five grand already.”

“I told you, I only took five hundred,” I whispered desperately. Was he just fucking with me, or did he actually think I’d taken five thousand dollars from him?

“Okay.” He laughed nastily. “This shit is over. Go get my money.” I knew the instant the muscles in his arm shifted as he pointed the pistol at me. For a moment, I was sure that I was going to lose all control of my bowels.

“Please,” I said, my breath coming in gasps. “Please, I didn’t take it. I swear.”

Thoughts flew through my head in less than an instant. Where could I put Rhett? I could drop him behind the couch, but what if it hurt him? He was so asleep that his arms dangled down at his sides. He’d never be able to break his fall. The thought of Rhett’s head hitting the hardwood warred with the thought of him being hit with a bullet. If we both dropped down, I could shield him somehow. Protect him with my body. But what would Parker do with him after I was gone? Would he hurt him? Take him? Was my body even big enough to stop a bullet, or would it go right through me and into my son’s fragile little body? Dark spots danced in my vision as I took a step backward.

“No,” Parker ordered, getting to his feet. He raised his arm and the loudest thud I’d ever heard filled the room. I flinched, dropping down and curling my body around Rhett’s.

“No,” I whispered, tightening my body around Rhett as he started to cry. “Shh, baby.”


“Stay still, baby,” I choked out, trying to hold Rhett under me. “Shh, stay still.”

