Page 25 of The Sheriff's Omega

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“It’s no problem. They need friends right now.” He took the bacon out of the pan and set it on a plate. “Do you all want some breakfast?”

“I brought some things,” Grammy said, smiling. The little gap between her front teeth reminded Roe of Abel and his brother. “Have a seat, sweetheart. I’ll finish up breakfast.”

Wally poked his head into the kitchen. “I’m going to set up the patio table in the backyard. There’s more space there.”

“Thanks,” Gramps said with his hands on his hips. “Kids, grab plates and drinks and head outdoors. Tali, I’m not sure you can hug Tommy and walk at the same time. Maybe just hold his hand until you’re back in a seat. Benji, will you help me make some more waffles? With all that syrup on your face, I know you must be an expert.”

“I am,” Benji said, nodding furiously. “Love waffles.”

Roe chuckled. “Thank you for taking charge, Gramps.”

“It’s what I do best, young’un.” He eyed the bacon. “You have something against pork?”

Roe rolled his eyes and elbowed Gramps. “Hush, you.”

Thirty minutes later, the backyard was full of kids with a few adults sprinkled in. Fergie led the guinea pigs around to all his favorite pee spots, Roe had tied balloons around the piggies so they wouldn’t get lost in the yard, and Mmrr was hiding in the house avoiding the noise.

Lacey and Renee had arrived shortly after the Wilsons. Lacey and Tris sat together, heads close as they talked about accounting classes. Daphne and Beth kicked a ball around with a few of the teens. Roe had to wipe his eyes when he noticed Daphne keeping her attention on Beth. His daughter had a soft heart and worried about the younger girl.

Benji crawled onto Roe’s lap and pet Arthur with a sticky hand. “Daddy’s bunny.”

“Yes, he is.” Roe winced. He’d have to clean Arthur’s hair later.

“I have to ask,” Gramps said, sitting down beside them. “Why is your dog named Fergie?”

The corgi walked past them at that moment, his round butt shaking.

“Do you really need to ask?” Roe laughed. “He’s fierce and confident. Look at that strut.”

Gramps chuckled. “I see it now.”

The morning passed slowly. It had been a long time since Roe had felt so comfortable in his own skin. There were no hidden motives in the people around him. They were just there to comfort Tommy and Beth. They didn’t want anything more from him then friendship. It was good to have friends again. He had thought he had that in Loriston, but he was wrong.

His phone rang, and he saw it was Cain.Perfect timing, he thought with a smile.


“How are you?” Cain asked.

“Really well.” Roe hugged Benji closer. “Did you get my message from last night?”

“Yes, I went ahead and looked into Tommy and Beth’s family. They have a maternal aunt who lives nearby. Social services will likely speak with her first before placing them in a foster home.”

“I just want them to be safe,” Roe said, sighing. “I can’t imagine all they’ve been through.”

“If their aunt can’t take them, I’ll bet you a thousand dollars that Bennett and Marco Wilson will have them adopted before the end of the year.”

“I’m not stupid.” The beautiful diverse family currently mingling with his own told him not to take that bet. Tali’s adoptive parents had the most beautiful hearts of anyone Roe had ever met.

“Well,” Cain said with a sniff. “Be that way. I guess I’ll just have to tell you what I dug up about James and Gabriel then.”

“Oh, do tell.”

“Apparently, when James divorced you, he lost a lot of clients. He may have kept the Dorsey name, but a good portion of the company’s clients had been with your grandfathers from the start. They weren’t happy with his treatment of you.”

“Oh dear.” Roe winced. “I can see that making him angry.”

“It didn’t help that the company’s best employees left as well,” Cain continued. “James is relatively young to be running a company of that standing. He doesn’t have the experience to inspire trust. With that turnover, the company lost a lot of standing.”
