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Part II cont’d

May | Present Day

After pulling my suitcase from Shizu’s trunk, I glanced around for the coordinates so we’d know where we parked when returning home. We decided to drive ourselves to the airport and park for this excursion. Becky spent the night with Shizu to not risk running late. Corinne picked me up at the crack of dawn to meet at Shizu’s. It was just before eight in the morning when we pulled into a parking space.

Corinne, reading my mind, called out, “Fourth floor, B7.” She pointed to the left and I snapped a picture as Becky pulled her duffle from the trunk.

As we high-powered it to the elevator, I began feeling anxious and didn’t exactly know why. I did, however, know the source. By the time we made it inside, I hit send on a text.

Me:Hope you’re ready to see the baddest bitch you’ve ever seen in a bikini on black sand and in clear water.

Boarding the elevator, Shizu singsonged, “St. Vincent, here the fuck we come!”

“You sure you don’t want anything?” Becky called back while waiting on theStarbucksline. I shook my head, not able to think about eating at this hour. It was mere minutes before boarding and I came with her to get her needed espresso macchiato. “Oh, my god,” she droned. “I’m like fucking shaking, I need this so bad right now. Connor gets his ass up at the crack of dawn to have a quad ready for me.”

I snickered, shaking my head. “You forget how many I’ve gotten for your mean ass over the years.”

“Oh, yeah.” Becky tried to laugh, but I was sure was too preoccupied with getting her first hit of caffeine. “Did you bring thoseTylenolpills? I think I may get wasted the first two days.”

I glanced at my phone to see no text alerts. “Ibuprofen.”

“Shit,” she hissed, grabbing her coffee from the counter. “I forgot you use those. You think we can find Tylenol here really quickly?”

“They’re calling our flight,” Corinne announced, whisking past us with Shizu on her heels.

I looked over to Becky who was instantly crestfallen. “Just focus on getting that macchiato into your veins. Besides, you knowTylenolmay fuck with your birth control.”

Becky’s face turned red. “Shit!”

Finally taking my seat on the plane, my stomach began to turn over. The second I was prepared to text the motherfucker something to disturb his soul, my phone chirped.

Jas:Looking forward to it and you. Safe travels big booty girl.

The kissy face emoji took my damn breath away. I didn’t realize I’d collapsed into the seat until Corinne, to the left of me in the aisle seat cried, “What the fuck is up with you? We’re on our way to SaintfuckingVincent, a brand new resort. Why are you over here banging up your head? You’ve been off all morning—well, I know most people can’t function in the morning. But Shi-Shi’s morning travels for vacation have been known to be legendary.”

Her scowl and curt energy were too much for me in the moment. I couldn’t even process her words. They didn’t matter, honestly.

Angling my head, my brows furrowed when I asked, “You think my booty’s big?”

Corinne’s nostrils widened and top lip curled. “Girl, bye!” She rolled her eyes away and buckled her seatbelt.

A silly smile warmed my face.

He likes my booty…

My morning had been made.

My mood had dipped again while waiting in the Customs line once in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. It was one of those peak times for herds of us tourists to be arriving on the island. We’d been snailing in a long ass line for over twenty minutes and were hardly halfway to the Customs booth.

This would be Jas’ first time visiting another country. He’d have to experience the navigation of the jungle that was the airport. Then he’d land and have to feel like cattle slowly being herded to the other side of these officers. I’d done this countless times and I was suddenly overwhelmed by the anxiety of being monitored.

Biting my lip, I checked my phone again.

“No phones,” Becky reminded me.

I rolled my eyes again, sighing. “This is bullshit. Are all the booths open? Like, how humane is this waiting in a stuffy ass warehouse? I mean, really?”

Shizu scoffed. “You’ve done this a million times. You know how it goes.”
