Page 113 of The Promise

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“Kissing me is trying for better?”

She scoffed. “That was for my revelation of you caring about who I give my body to. It’s a bit hypocritical that you deny me yours and give it to some random, but again: I’m trying for better. And better is knowing you care about my well-being, Jas. You don’t go about expressing it healthily, but I know too many fuckboys who wouldn’t do past child support for a woman in my situation. You’re a good man.” She nodded again with twisted lips. “An unchanging man. A prism.”


I hadn’t heard that phrase in years outside of my company. I adopted it from the words of people closest to me, including her aunt, Rose, but hadn’t been labeled it since having my daughter. That shit stunned the hell out of me. A prism. From Ashira? And she meant it. I knew she did. I knew her.

I took a deep breath, eyes falling as I patted my chest with my fist. Then I walked to the door.

“Jas.” I turned to Ashira. Her eyes squinted when she softly shared, “Don’t think I don’t know you paid for my Tropezién shopping today.”

I chuckled, not expecting that. “Say less, Witherspoon.”

I was sure to close the door on the way out.

“Get it, Vonnie!” Noelle laughed through the screen of my laptop. “Uhn, uhn, uhn!” She chanted rhythmically.

Chi-Chi stood in front of the computer and entertained her aunt with the “latest dance she’d made up” out near the pool of the boat.

When she stopped, Noelle asked, “That’s all you got for me?” Chi-Chi giggled, suddenly appearing shy.

“Do the poses,” Noelle pushed.

Chivon looked at me, confused.

“What poses?” I asked my sister.

“The first, second, and third thing.”

“Oh! Ballet!” I addressed Chi-Chi, “First position.”

Chi-Chi’s eyes blinked as they always did when thinking about this challenge. She stood straight, bringing her heels together and cupping her hands at her pelvis.

“Second!” I challenged dramatically with my chin in the air.

Her little feet widened in distance as she stretched her arms out wide, chin pushed into the air like mine.


“Go, Vonnie!” Noelle cheered her on, knowing nothing about dance, but enjoying her niece’s bravery.

“Third position!”

Baby girl leaped into the air and brought her heels back together, pushing her fingers downward. Not perfect, but much better.

“Yaaay!” Noelle shouted from the screen, clapping her hands. “Good job, Vonnie girl! Can’t wait to see you. Then you can teach it to me.”

“I teach you!” Chi-Chi assured.

Off camera, her father appeared on the other side of the deck, peering over the railing at the water. Jas was dressed in white trousers, a short-sleeved floral shirt revealing the grooves of his thick arms, andAsè Garbsandals. I could tell he shaped his facial hair today. The parameters were cut with precision. He was fine as hell in island gear, a far cry from hisHarlem Worldroots.

“Okay. I gotta go,” Noelle announced. “Brandy’s gonna be here soon, and I need to shower.”

“Okay,” I sighed deeply, feeling so much emotion I was unable to speak. “Have fun.”

“There’s not much else to do but head to the beach. I swear; this summer’s the worst. Boring as hell.”

“Listen,” I cleared my throat. “When we get back, we’ll hang out.”
