Page 12 of The Promise

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“Night-night, Chivon.”

“Night-night,” she mumbled before yawning.

I headed out to the hall, leaving the door open. As soon as I made it to my bedroom, I went straight to the sitting room, where my laptop was opened and checked my emails. After not seeing any priority senders, I left for the bathroom to take a leak and wash my face. It would be a long night for me, combing through reports and designs for new productsPor el Amor del Amorwas preparing to launch. I needed this venture to be successful. The timing couldn’t be better. I’d just begun seeing my investments in the company about a year ago. This launch was predicted to triple those returns.

I was at my laptop for half a minute before my cell rang.

“Celestine,” I answered.

“Hello, there!” she sang. “Please tell me my little lamb had an extra scoop of ice cream for dessert and is still burning it off instead of turning in at her appointed bedtime.”

Chuckling quietly, I pinched the bridge of my nose as I shook my head. “Nah. She’s out cold.”

“Oh, no!” her cry was melodious. “I cut the after-talks short and ran home from my class to try and catch her tonight.”

My brows shot up, and I inhaled as I sat up, trying to fight a yawn. “Sorry.”

“Ut!” she shrieked. “Are you in the bed, too, sweetheart?”

Chuckling, I answered, “Nah. Nowhere near it.”

“Oh. That means you’re working from home. Dear, you really work too hard. When was the last time you took a break?”

Lifting my forehead, confused and shocked by that question, I asked, “A break? What you mean?”

“I mean, get out of Jersey. Leave the responsibility of the visits and supervision to capable people. You need to feel the earth beneath your bare feet. Find a woman to releaseyou—hell, find two! You’re young and presumably still with horsepower stamina.” I blinked, speechless. “Hello!”

I sat back, stunned. “That sounds wild.”


“You’re Chivon’s grandmother.”

A breathy titter sprinkled into the line. “That’s not what you mean, sweetheart!” She groaned, “I’m Ashira Chivon’s mother is what you really mean.”

“I mean…”Yeah…

“Honey, do you recall what I told you almost four years ago inDella? I told you she was not the woman for you. I knew she wasn’t prepared for that much of a man. I knew this because she’s my child. Her brain and/or lack of life experiences haven’t allowed her to hone the ability to accept what she cannot understand.”


“And now, look at your lifestyle. You’re a single father, a man commanding likely more than her father at his prime earning period—a handsome, functional hunk of a man. You’re holding my grandchild on your back and your manhood in your hand. Tell me, Jas, are you happy?” That feminine chortle flowered in my ear again. “Are you satisfied, you robust man, you?”

“I am blessed.” I tried to land the conversation there. “I appreciate your kind words to me—”

“The women here in Brazil are beautiful. They’ll remind you of your power. Listen: eat the meat and do what you want with the bone. But don’t rot away, waiting on Ashira.”

“Again. Thanks.” I scratched my head, mad uncomfortable with this conversation. “I’mma have Chivon call you in the morning. You know she gets up crazy early.”

Celestine laughed. “She does indeed. You can do me one better.”

I tried typing a response to an email. “What’s that?”

“I’ll be inDellanext week. Bring my lamb to see me!” she chirped with excitement. “The family would love to have her. You know we adore Chivon.”

They did. Ashira’s entire family had been crazy accepting of my baby, Noel included. They sent her gifts, called, spent time with her, and followed all of her developments. It was the only reason I decided to be cordial with Noel. It was a hard decision, but I tried to do what was best for my daughter. So far, we hadn’t been friends, but could be in the same room without him saying something slick and me knocking his big ass the fuck out.

I’d also been surprised by how well Celestine had taken to Chivon. She’d flown to stay here in my home with her twice since she was born. I’d also taken Chivon toDellato see Ashira’s family—without Ashira. They called for Chivon, and Rose didn’t travel much, so I accommodated the requests. Plus, they treated me well when I visitedDella. They didn’t care that I wasn’t family. To them, because Chivon existed, I was a part of the tribe. And the hospitality was amazing. That made me sit back on the sofa and consider.

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