Page 13 of The Promise

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“Send me the dates. I’ll see what I can make happen.”


“Really.” I nodded, still thinking it over. “Chivon likes the animals on the farm. She likes to cook, too.” They did a lot of that in their family. “I’ll hit my assistant up first thing in the morning—well, when you send me the dates.”

“I’ll text them now.”

“Cool.” And thank God this conversation was done. “I’ll hit you tomorrow.”

“Good night, dear heart.”

After hanging up, I tossed the phone over to the other side of the sofa. Feeling overwhelmed and tense as hell, I closed my eyes at the sight of the number of unread emails.

“Urghhhhh!” I fell back into the sofa, covering my eyes.

What a fucking day…

Noelle’s moms was gone. Dead. The little girl was so brave, fighting the pain of the loss and the disappointment of not having her sister there for the whole homegoing event. Noel dipped right after the burial. Even though I had someplace to be, I found it hard to leave her after her father did, so Ava and I stayed until we couldn’t. Then, after going about my day and completing my itinerary, I avoided coming home to give Chivon alone time with her mother.

No, Ashira and I weren’t at war, but I didn’t want Chivon distracted from a rare visit from her mother. My daughter was attached to me, and understandably so, seeing I was the primary parent. Had been for close to three years. Ashira was very much a mother, but one juggling the demands of a career that required worldwide travel. I’d never wanted my presence in her life to inhibit her dreams. That included her parenting style with my child. I’d take care of mine. And I had been.

The first year of fatherhood had been rocky for me. I had to learn more than how to change a diaper and warm up bottles. I had to apply patience to a helpless baby. Even after hiring a competent nanny, I rarely slept and had to always be on call for emergencies. Chivon Ojasvi had become the nucleus of my world without an alternative option. Her mother had been around for the first six months before having to hit the road to continue her career in dancing. She’d be away for two to four months at a time, leaving me to bring Chivon to visit wherever Ashira’s work had taken her, even if for a couple of days.

Did I have to? No. But whether Ashira liked it or not, we were now family. I didn’t want to have the wonder of Chivon alone. She was an amazing and quickly developing gift Ashira shouldn’t have been kept from. So, I did what I had to do, purchasing an expensive ass jet Sadik Ellis sold to me when he realized his growing family needed more room. I fixed it up beneath the hood, made a few upgrades to the interior, and painted over hisThe Ellis IIname on the outside, replacing it withPrism Built. It had been an expense but a necessary one considering my travel with the cigar and wine estates and Ashira’s extensive travel. I invested in my family. Still had been.

But now…

I sighed.

As difficult as it was to admit, I had been lonely. Since breaking up with Ashira when we learned she was expecting Chivon, I’d felt alone like never before. Me. The nigga who ate a fed dime bid and came home on the tightest discipline shit. I was lonelier than a motherfucker. Going through the court proceedings had been draining—and lonely. Once in a while, I’d find myself in court fantasizing about going home that night to Ashira and Chivon, sharing my day because she’d understand my plight. She knew the business. Other days, and still, I found myself daydreaming about being on a yacht in the middle of the Caribbean, blasting Michael Jackson while watching the most sinful and fuckable body move artfully. Wickedly.

However, those days left as quickly as they’d come. Now, during appropriate weather, I’d take Chivon on my60 Cantius. We’d cruise the waters for hours. Twice, sailed down to Cape May County and copped a hotel room for a couple of days before coming home. My baby loved the water. She enjoyed being up on the bow with Amy, watching for dolphins while I navigated our ride from the cockpit. It was so rewarding but did nothing to satisfy my craving for companionship. Fatherhood had been fun and challenging. Being single had been hell.

That was when a thought struck, and I reached for my phone across the sofa.

Me: Who was the chick you thought I should meet?

Three minutes later, E hit me back.

Ezra:I have never presented such a prospect. Wrong Carmichael.

That made me laugh, but he was right. I decided to hit the right Carmichael.

Me: Who was that chick you said I should meet?

I had been on my fourth email response when my phone chirped.

Lex-Dawg:Who Josie?

My eyes blew the hell up.

Me: She black?

Lex-Dawg:Yeah. She’s been with our church for like 3 years now. 28 with a 4 year old daughter. So cute!

Me: What do she do for a living?

Lex-Dawg:A teacher. She’s from DC. Left baby daddy back at home. The nigga married a Korean girl.??
