Page 155 of The Promise

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“You can try and ask Nicholas.” I quickly tapped Ashira’s foot when she suggested that.

Her eyes crawled to me and I shook my head, telling her it wasn’t a good idea. My little brother got hit with two DUI’s since September. The first one was days before Ashira’s birthday party in Antigua. He was in court, being handed down his fate. It stressed me that I couldn’t be there for him that day.

I ended up flying him out the following night, and he was able to celebrate with us for a couple of days and clear his mind. Ashira and I suggested he give up his apartment for a little while and stay here inLake Sha’Ronwith me. We didn’t want him isolated, which contributed to his issues. He agreed, and had moved in. I still had him in therapy, and now the courts had him in a treatment program. He had an apparatus installed in his car, forcing him to take a sobriety breath-test before being able to start the engine. I didn’t think Noelle needed to be involve with all of that. Plus, Nicholas deserved his privacy.

“I can take you out, N.O. Elle,” I offered.

Her eyes blew up and she sucked in air. “Really, Jas? I know how busy you are.”

“‘S’all good. Say less. We can get started tomorrow after I take your sister to the airport in the morning.”

My lady was leaving us again. She wouldn’t be done with the Pixie tour until January. After tonight, I’d be back to a cold ass bed, a hard ass wood, and occasionally a kicking ass, farting ass toddler.

“Oh, shit!” Ashira jumped, smiling hard, eyes beautifully wild as she turned to face me.

Chivon’s head flew up from the device. “Mommy! You mess it up!”

“My bad, baby.” Ashira turned back to her toes. “No, I didn’t. See. Just fine.” Then she turned, her attention swinging between Noelle and me. “Shizu’s pregnant.”

Noelle’s face twisted. “By David?”

I laughed. “Who else?”

“Ben!” Ashira’s face was wide—gossipy wide.

“Say word,” I mumbled, shocked as hell.

“See!” Noelle emphasized, animated as hell. “Shizu’s that girl. She’s always had options.”

Ashira nodded with a conspiratorial grin. “We’re going crazy with the news.”

“Pregnant?” I, more or less, repeated than asked.

“Yup. Found out like three days ago. I forgot to tell you, so hyped about coming home,” Ashira admitted. “And check this.”—Yup. My lady was in full gossip mode about her best friend, and my beat ass was here for it.—“They’re engaged!”

“What?” Noelle shrieked.

Ashira nodded again. “Yup. They’ve got a wedding date and all.”

“When?” I asked.

“Shizu told Becky, who told me, she didn’t want to do it while I was pregnant. Since I’m due March thirtieth, Shizu was sweet enough to plan an early May date to give me enough time to snapback. Isn’t she the best?”

“But she’ll be pregnant.” Noelle shook her head.

“She doesn’t care. Shizu’s been wanting Ben all this time. She was biding her time with David. Peach and I believe the week after my birthday party, when Shizu snuck off with Ben is likely when she got pregnant.”

“When are you two getting married?” Noelle’s eyes swung between her sister and me.

Ashira and I met glances. She smiled and answered, “Next year. Unlike Shizu, I don’t want to be a swollen bride. I’m trying to twerk down the aisle.” She stuck her tongue out and rolled her neck playfully. “I’m not rushing the planning of the wedding part; I already have the location.”

Noelle asked, “Where?”

“Elliswoods Palacein Hunterdon County. Oh, my god, Noelle, you’ve got to see it. It’s like the most elegant estate I’ve ever seen.”

“Bigger than daddy’s?”

“Way bigger. It’s like a whole town. And the owner—the wife—told me I could use their property. That’s whose island we were on for my birthday. Isn’t that wild?” Ashira laughed. “When we came back from Antigua, I called her up and told her I’d finally found a man crazy enough to marry me. She said she’d known—” She softly kicked at my hand. I snorted. “—about it for some time. Anyway, I told her I wanted a late June wedding day. She promised to keep the property available the entire month. The woman is so sweet.”
