Page 156 of The Promise

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She was. Queen Ellis had always been the epitome of a village mother. The woman took care of everyone attached to her.

“At least you and Shizu won’t be getting married at the same time. But y’all friends are gonna be broke for two months straight.” Noelle laughed.

She brought my mind back to that. “Damn.” That was some shit. David was at Ashira’s birthday party. “Shuzi’s gangsta.” I blinked hard.

“She ain’t never heard of birth control?” Noelle seemed disgusted.

Ashira smiled, going back to Chivon’s toes and mumbled, “Like me, she got off birth control.”

“Why you get off birth control?”

I would have thought the question was inappropriate for Noelle to ask, but my ass wanted to know, too.

Ashira shrugged, still at work on my baby’s toes. “Being rebellious, I guess. I contemplated tossing my case the night beforeIDC. I was mad at a certain baby’s daddy with too muchHarlem Pride. So getting off the pill made me feel like I was ‘getting off’ of him. No need to be on the pill when there’s no risk of getting pregnant.”

But her ass ain’t say that shit when we started fucking again. Ashira had so many opportunities to remember we had no protection during sex. So many, but stayed quiet on it.

“If you wanted another baby by my big bro, just say that, Shi-Shi!”

“That’s what I’m saying!” My head collapsed.

Noelle cracked up while I chuckled, somewhat serious. Her big sister rolled her eyes while blowing on Chivon’s toes like she was annoyed.

Ashira wanted another baby. Bottom line. She once again made me a baby’s daddy. She played her cards, and I played mine by asking her to marry me so soon after learning about the pregnancy. Yeah. I was a calculating ass motherfucker when it came to her. Even if it meant involving other women to get Ashira to grow the fuck up and get in line with me. I wanted her as my wife, not as a casual baby’s mother.

My phone rang over the comforter.

“S.Q.E., whaddup,” I answered seeing Sadik’s name on the screen.

“London Bridge. It’s falling down.” My eyes shot up to Ashira, who was already looking at me.”

“Word? Where?”

“Warehouse.” Something exploded in my stomach hearing those two syllables. Something that felt good. Familiar. Fun.

Oh, it’s going down…

With my eyes still locked into Ashira’s, I assured him, “Leaving in ten.”

“See you.”

The moment I disconnected the call, Ashira reminded me, “I’m leaving first thing in the morning.” I recognized the warning in that message, but my pulse had already begun beating loud in my head.

I reached down and kissed her toes. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours. Put Chivon down and you’ll have me to yourself.”

“Ewwwww!” Noelle expressed her disgust of that innuendo, looking into her phone.

“Jas,” Ashira cried again. “Nothing’s more important than us.”

I shook my head. “Nothing’s more important than y’all.” I gestured the ladies in the room before heading to the closet.

The metal door of the warehouse lifted, and coming into view were soldiers of the Ellis army. DeMarcus, a general, stood with his hands behind his back in a typical expensive ass suit; the Ellis uniform. He nodded in acknowledgment of Man and me then prompted us to follow him. There was no need for words; we’d been expected. Plus, I was tweaking. My pulse beat so loud in my head, I’d begun to enjoy it as music. The gum I chewed helped minimize the twisting of my jaw. My hands flexed over and over, and I found myself rolling my shoulders every so often.

As we walked the cemented floors of the warehouse, the scent hadn’t changed, just some shit I hadn’t smelled in years. Cocaine, pure marijuana leaves, and pill production happening all around behind the walls. The Ellis production house was fully encompassed and well-guarded.

We took the elevator up a level before traveling down another narrow hall. DeMarcus stopped at a large window where he wanted me to see two men: one white with spikey hair and the other of Asian lineage rocking black eyeliner and nails.British shit. I knew right away they were Haris’ muscle. I snorted. One was fixing himself coffee as though in an office break room. The Asian kid’s attention was fixed to the plasma TV mounted on the wall.


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