Page 70 of The Promise

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Sherry swung her leg around to stand, then Kiera and I followed.

“I’m going to work on it some more. It’s killing me that I can’t get this shit!” She groaned, annoyed.

I checked the time, trying to be sure I stayed on schedule today. After leaving the dance studio, I had to head toKuchezafor a meeting. Then Chi-Chi and I were baking cookies and painting each other’s toes with clear nail polish to protect the pedicures we’d gotten yesterday. I loved letting my princess pretend to be a nail tech on me. She’d roll her eyes, waving her hand and neck, and suck her teeth as she made up conversations, mimicking what she’d see at the salon. But what made it funny was the stories she’d “make up” were her Gam-Gam’s latest rants. Jas’ mother, Charmagne, was a colorful character even to her granddaughter.

“Oh, shit!” someone shouted behind me.

I turned to see a group had gathered near the table.

“She better watch out,” another advised.

Rotating my shoulder by windmilling my arm in the air, I ambled over to them. “What’s going on?”

Everyone was so entranced.

“It’s that little heifer, Jenn ‘the Bull’ Davies talking mad shit about Tori McNabb!” Mel finally answered me.

“Didn’t she say something just last—” My attention was taken by the video Denise played from one ofSpilling That Hot Tea’s social media platforms.

Jenn, a middleweight boxer, was seen on Ocean Drive in Miami byTMZ. The “reporter” asked her about Tori McNabb’s comments about not knowing who Jenn was when interviewed last month.

Tori had been in retirement for almost five years now, but Jenn didn’t believe Tori was unfamiliar with her. She felt Tori disrespected her by saying she didn’t know who the new, undefeated middleweight champion of her division was. Since that interview, the young “Bull” had been taking shots at Tori, calling her old and out of shape. She challenged Tori to a workout session together.

Tori’s assistant replied by uploading a video of one of Tori’s workout sessions where the retired champ was putting my ass to shame with her stamina. The woman had children and still maintained a mean six-pack. Tori commented under her assistant’s post:Young buck couldn’t afford time in my gym. Six belts, four titles, undefeated. She’s gonna need more than a workout session with me to get on my level. She can’t afford a session in my gym.

That had the internet and traditional news outlets all a buzz. Tori had been leading pretty much a quiet life since retiring. She’d gotten married and began having babies virtually back to back. So, having this rivalry played out publicly gave even non-sports fans a bit of entertainment. From her assistant’s video, anyone with a quarter of a brain could perceive Tori’s incredibly preserved physique to mean she still had a few rounds in her. I was sure she’d still be able to kick my ass.

Jenn, holding the femme woman’s hand as they crossed the street, smirked and answered theTMZrep, “I’m taking my girl shopping. Tell Tori I put my money in my bitch. Ask her if she wanna be my next bitch.”

“Ut!” I gasped.

Mel covered her mouth, a reaction no different from my own. All the girls, in fact, had some type of dramatic expression.

“Y’all think Jenn would beat Tori?” Shawn asked.

Tinka, a newer member, offered, “Maybe.”

Kaz sucked her teeth. “What year were you born?”

Tinka answered, “Two thousand-one.”

Kaz scoffed. “You Gen Z kids wear me out. And they used to clown millennials about our social shit. Y’all have short-term memory and loyalty. Tori was just at the top of her game since you’ve been out of undergrad, and you bet against her.”

Rolling her eyes with a dimpled smile, Tinka twirled away. “Whatever.”

As the group laughed, my phone vibrated. Stepping away from the table, I noted it was Amy calling.

“Hey,” I answered.

“Shi-Shi, look. I’m so upset I called Jas first. He’s on his way overhere—”

Panic flared. “Over where?”

“To your father’s in Millburn.”

“What are you two doing there?” I tried to think of the hour. “You guys should be back at home by now.”

“That’s what I’m trying to say. We were leaving Chi-Chi’s playdate with Tabitha at the aquarium, and I got a call from your father asking where you were. Then he asked where were Chi-Chi and I. When I told him, he asked for her to stop by, saying he had a surprise for her. I hesitated but obeyed. When we got here, I was brought to the living room, and Mr. Witherspoon took Chi-Chi, saying they’d be right back. I waited for ten minutes, then asked the housekeeper where Chi-Chi was. She told me to relax, she’d be back in a few minutes. I started losing my shit after another five minutes. No one will tell me anything. So, I called Jas, and he’s on his way. Then I remembered Mr. Witherspoon is your father, and I don’t want any bad blood. Then I thought to call you. Shi-Shi, I’ve been here for damn near thirty minutes separated from Chi-Chi!”
