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Her dimples deepened as she smiled, anticipating my next words. “What?”

“As I’m walking into the private room, I hear loud, boisterous talking. Security let me inside, and a bunch of dudes were standing around the dinner table. Azmir Jacobs is up giving Jay Z dap.”

Lennox dropped her chin. “TheJay Z? Beyoncé’s husband?”

I lifted my right hand. “I shit you not. Those two went to high school together!” She gasped. “I know. Right? Small fuckin’ world. Anyway, Hov must’ve gotten word Jacobs was in the building and popped into his private room on the way out. It was the craziest shit.”

“Who is this Jacobs guy that he knows Mrs. Carter’s Mr. Carter.”

I laughed. Chicks swore Beyoncé contributed to Jay’s success. They put her on this high ass pedestal; they did the same with Brielle.

“Anyway. The point of the story is Jackson invited me without telling me exactly what the vibe was. These cats sat there and talked money for like two hours straight. And not bragging on what they got; they talked about how to get it. Raj’s business partner, Zebedee Baker, was there giving so much real estate game. It made me realize how small my wallet is.”

“You’re far from broke, Tobias. Come on.”

“But I’m not wealthy.”

“I’m saying.” She flashed her palms in the air. “I’ve never seen your bank accounts, but you own several properties, travel the world, and you’re one of the most sought-after music producers of contemporary times. Cher’s been to your studio—played alongside you—at her request.”

“And with all of that, I haven’t secured generational wealth. My current portfolio would help Elia if I died today, but that ain’t enough. I still don’t have awife—shit. I want more kids. That’s more mouths to feed, more kids to groom to carry on the Elliot legacy.” I shook my head. “I’ve been getting money for about eight years now. Millions have come and gone. My current move is to harvest them. To have my money make more money for me while I sleep. You know?”

Lennox’s nod convinced me she did understand. “How do you plan to do that?”

“For starters, by not just accepting any deals thrown my way. Dale just gave me a good offer, but it wasn’t great.”

“What’s great?”

“Raj gives me great. He trusts and values my gifts. It’s taught me to do the same.”

A sad smile lifted on her face. “I’m glad you trust you. You’re a good guy, Tobias. Honorable, protective, giving, and trustworthy.Andyou’re self-made. Not many can say that. You know?”

My fucking chest tightened, and eyes went lazy as I stared at her.


Was this week a good idea?

Lennox gave me the same feels I had when I first met her at nineteen. The days when I sold myself—and my talent—short just to get her attention. Now, the woman, Lennox, was giving me her approval. That simple deed did shit to me I should have been embarrassed to feel. Instead, I chose to be more intentional with my time with her.

My throat was dry when I asked, “How was Scott?”

Lennox’s wide eyes blinked as she processed, “Scott?”


Lennox blinked, fucking jarred. “Scott’s…to be expected, considering the circumstances of his little world.”


I didn’t meanto—

“Ummmm…” She rubbed her lips together, eyes toward the floor. “I’m feeling a little…parched from the drinking earlier. Mind if I go grab some water?”

“Sure. There are cold bottles in the fridge, and room temperature ones in the pantry.” Lennox, domesticated, grabbed my empty plate before leaving the room.

My head collapsed backward in frustration the moment she disappeared.

Don’t do that!
