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“And none of us are completely happy—well, of course, Mya professes to be.”

“Of course,” I mumbled.

I knew Mya for a brief time back in the day. When I was trying to get with Lennox, she did silly shit to get my attention. She had a man, but would engage in risqué conversations, asking personal questions. She stared at me a lot. Mya even gave me her number when shit turned cold between Lennox and me, saying she had a cousin she wanted to hook me up with. I tossed the paper with her number as soon as I got home that night.

She was competitive, and obviously unsure of herself, which was evident in the way she’d often compare her body shape and size to Lennox’s. Both girls were petite in stature, but Lennox was slim. Mya was more voluptuous, with sizeable tits and hips, and a mild fatty in the back. She was nice, but so was Lennox. It took Lennox a few years, but her ass and thighs were now spread, firm, and shapely. Simple perfection. Her boobs were a modest size, but never failed to make me skip a breath when we greeted each other with an innocent hug, or two nights ago when they pushed into my thigh as I spanked her. Whether or not Lennox picked up on Mya’s insecure ways back then I didn’t know. But I had.

“She did it again,” Lennox shared. “Mya watches me a lot. She doesn’t actually talk so much as she…takes everything everyone says and goes in. Then, she blurts something harsh, definitive, absolute, or subliminally braggadocious. Earlier today, when we hugged goodbye, her wedding ring got stuck in my hair, and she made a comment about how I should have straightened it for this week. But she gets to rock the same curly weave she’s been wearing for more years than I can count.”

Lennox had natural wavy hair. Some confused her for a mixed girl. I loved her hair, even wrote her a poem or two about it. One day, I was fingering through it without really being cognizant of my evident adoration of the girl. Mya called me out. She said it was weird to play in a girl’s hair, and how Lennox needed to change her style. She told her the curly look was bland and played out, and she should cut it to get an edgier look. The next few times I’d seen Mya since that day were the last times I’d seen her until recently. Each time, she rocked a massive wig or weave with similar curly ringlets to her girl, Lennox. Insane.

“Yup. But I could see right through her. I just wish she could admit her life isn’t perfect when she’s inquiring or judging the imperfections of others.” I watched closely as Lennox rubbed her lips together. It was something she did often when in deep thought. I wondered how well that translated at her job. “It’s okay to have bumps in the road. It’s okay to say you’ve made a few bad calls, or you need to recalibrate or reroute.”

“Is that another revelation from this week?”

Lennox didn’t answer right away. “Yeah. But…” Those sweet lips rubbed together, and her brow-line tightened. “Maybe not the biggest.”

“And what would that be?”

Her head shook and curls bounced softly when she revealed, “I don’t want to come to another homecoming with my life in shambles. I’m sick of the anxiety I feel, waiting on someone to ask the wrong question under the guise of catching up with me. I’m tired of carrying this load.”

“Does that mean no more homecomings?” Why did my chest tighten in panic at the idea of that?

As Lennox fingered her long, blonde curls there was another pause before she murmured, eyes on the table, “It just means I need out of the jungle.”

Time was of the essence, and I wanted to switch gears. So, I stood and walked over to her chair. Lennox squealed when I lifted her into the air. She squirmed against my chest as I carried her to the empty chair next to mine and planted her there. When I sat down, I dragged her chair next to me, and pulled her into my side, holding her little body close to mine.

“Well, today’s Saturday.” I nuzzled in her ear as she giggled.

Within seconds, a soft beam grew on her face, recognizing right away my swift change in direction. “It is, Mr. Elliott.”

“How was your short week back at home?”

Lennox took in a deep breath, chewing on the question. “A blur,really—”


“Well…yeah. Things got fuzzy after Thursday night.” With her mouth ajar, Lennox’s eyes remained below, where I’d threaded my fingers with her soft ones.

Thursday night. The night I spanked her soft ass. I thought that would have made Lennox stumble yesterday. She was so damn emotional afterward, and I got it. But in true Lennox fashion, she woke up yesterday, and took up my offer for a run in the sneakers I’d copped for her. We got our cardio in mostly in silence. After, she let me make her breakfast before I had to leave out for a meeting with my accountant then run errands with my grandmother. By the time I got back toSamsarathat night, Lennox was still out with her girls.

“What about Thursday night, Lennox?” I made a point to roll her head up by gently pulling her hair so I could look into her pretty, cognac eyes. They were outlined with chestnut rings. “Did something…anything happen that made you feel uncomfortable or violated?”

The smiling waitress arrived with the bill. “Have you changed your mind about dessert?”

Lennox’s gaze lifted to me.

“Nah. I think we’re good. Thanks.”

“Okay. I’ll take care of this when you’re ready.” She placed it on the table and left us again.


Lennox snickered, rolling her eyes away. “So?”

“About Thursday?” I leaned down and nuzzled into her neck, feeling dizzy in excitement from her flowery scent. “I need to know,” I whispered. “In less than twenty-four hours, you’ll be back to your regular life. I don’t want to check in with you in a few days just to find out you blocked my ass.”
