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“Sorry,” he mumbled dryly. “I couldn’t help myself. You okay?”

It took me a minute to squeal, “Yes…”

Then he struck me again on the opposite cheek. This one wasn’t less smarting, but it wasn’t as startling, making it bearable. The next lash was lower, just above the back of my thigh. That one was even less betraying, though still powerful. I found myself dragging my breasts against his leg and arching my back.

“You good?” I nodded against the pillow. “Your ass looks so fuckin’ good bruised,” his voice was filled with a different emotion this time. It was lust. For me. I whimpered, lifting my hips again, and pushing them back. Then I felt his fingers between the folds of me, causing me to wince with pleasure. “Shit,” he groaned. “So fuckin’ wet.”

I squeezed my already closed eyes.

But my mouth flew open when the next strike met my flesh. Before I could recover, there was another, this one milder. Then there was another. They began to come rhythmically, and my body anticipated them, ass pushing back. A need continued to grow, and I wanted more of his ministrations—not that the lashes weren’t good enough, but I felt the need to release the volcanic stirring in my belly.

Then the blows stopped, and like a wounded dog, I collapsed onto his lap, angrily. I could feel Tobias lifting us inches from the couch, revealing his strength. The heat from his mouth was at the small of my back where he used it to rip my lace panties. The strap released my throbbing clit and was slid away. Suddenly, I felt flesh against mine. Hard, muscled, agile flesh. It was between my cheeks. It was only seconds into Tobias readjusting his dick for me to know it was out. Internally, I cried for it, begging for it by way of telepathy. I was sure it had its own brain. I willed it to me…inside of me. But Tobias had other plans. I felt the head of it run the fleshy crease of me, skipping my entry points, then nestle directly beneath my clitoris.

Tobias was right, I was wet. So wet my body began to move on its own accord. It was an instinctive, animalistic move to relieve the mounting tension. Less than two hours ago, I was in a boardroom presenting to some of the brightest minds in medicine. Now, I was a cheating, scandalous wife, desperate for her lover to aid in her release. And Tobias did. He’d given me his most precious organ to help. As I rubbed against it with feverish need and pace, I felt a digit from his big hand slip into me and circle around my swollen, soppy suctioning. Soon after, he added another finger inside of my sex, stretching my walls.

“That’s it, girl,” he droned thickly, slowly, and with approval. “Control your pleasure.”

Expressing his known ministrations, Tobias seemed to enjoy the erotic parameters he set for me. With his dick against my clit, I stroked, riding it against the pleasure of his fingers, winding against a minefield of sensitive nerves. I could hear my excitement, the slurping from my sex and my ass cheeks clapping together, created the most scandalous backdrop.

Feeling empowered, I rocked and moaned unapologetically until the building in my groin burst with pleasure-confetti.

“Tobeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” I cried, slamming my trunk onto his lap.

“That’s it,” he coached with mastered confidence.

I poured out to him, feeling my heart confirm Tobias. Feeling safe to express erotica is an undervalued space. As my body gyrated over his, I knew in this place, I was liberated, I was empress.

My lungs failed me, I couldn’t get control of them. I felt his soft lips on one cheek and big hand gently caressing.

“But in the midst was an oasis in red, my emancipation, my preoccupation, my everything,” he murmured densely. “The only one to wear my ring. I want to give you all I have to bring. You might be wearing black and white tonight, but you will always be my lady in red, the one who made my heart take flight.”The Book of Nyles. My spine shivered, fatty cheeks jiggled over him as I tried breathing into the plush pillow. I knew those powerfully seductive words. Then there was a gentle, reverential smack on my flesh. “I missed you.”

A shaky push of air left my lungs.

His big, hot hands were at my shoulders, lifting me slowly. Tobias assisted my right then left leg from the padded seats, mindful of my heels. Gingerly, he helped me to my feet, standing right behind me. My body was languid, recovering from my orgasm as he fixed his pants. Then he rounded me, steady hand keeping me in place. The pillow from the floor was tossed back onto the sofa. When his soft lips met my forehead, I felt instant affection.

“Straddle me,” he requested softly.

I obliged when he hefted me into the air, my legs banding around his narrowed waist, arms wrapping around him like a needy child. I had no idea of what was to come next and didn’t care. I was with Tobias. The man was always thoughtful and caring. My eyes were closed, body exhausted, as he moved. We traveled throughout the house. Without grunting or effort, he carried me up two flights of stairs. I could tell by the cadence. My mind was slipping between consciousness and tempting sedation. My body between recovery and greed. I wanted him. My body needed more. This web of seduction he had me under felt like we’d done it a hundred times as versed lovers.

There was an unlatching of a door. I could hear it push open. After several feet, I was lowered, regretfully, not wanting to detach from his scented heat. Yes, I was uncharacteristically needy. After years of deprivation of intimacy, I took each second he offered greedily.

It was a bed, my stinging ass distinctively picking up an unfamiliar texture beneath me. I forced my eyes open and saw a wooden canopy above me. Turning my head, the red rose petals captured my attention. They were everywhere and vibrant against the dark bedding.

Tobias backed away, reaching for my left leg. His hands brushed down until they reached my feet to remove my shoe. He paid the same pace to my right leg. Then his fixation turned to my thigh-highs. They were slowly peeled off, freeing my thighs from the tight, laced band. The elastic from my torn panties was removed next. My breathing grew heavy again as I watched Tobias inspect my sex. Wet and throbbing, what a sight I imagined it to be for him. He reached over and patiently unbuttoned my black sheer blouse. His mouth was too close to my hungry body when he banded behind my torso to unhook my bra.

I followed his silent command when he pulled me up to push the delicate fabric of my blouse from my shoulders and arms. My bra was next, and then I was totally bare to him. I believed this was the first time Tobias ever took the time to surveil my naked body. I squirmed nervously. A spell of subconsciousness overtaking me momentarily.

“You’ve lost a few pounds in two weeks,” he observed in a mutter.

“I haven’t been eating like I should.”

My weight had always been an issue. Gaining was an impossible task until I learned about the magic of proper dieting and weight-lifting a few years ago. Although I’d been able to put on weight recently, losing it easily was a constant threat, which was why I remained consistent with my regimen.UnlessI went overboard with cardio and not eating as had been my behavior over the past two weeks.

His eyes closed as he exhaled audibly. “Join the fuckin’ club.”

“Your clothes are still on.” I swallowed, needing to remind him. Being fully naked as he peered down onto me both aroused and intimidated me.

Aroused. After the erotic orgasm he gave me downstairs, my body was still revved up for him. I was pretty sure my excitement was leaking out of me at this point, onto the rose petals. I could feel it on my lower cheeks.
