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The colour was the same as that of Syar’s and Reynaldo’s glasses. The scent of harsh citrus slammed into her nostrils.

The server swallowed nervously. “I have been ordered to make sure that you enjoy it, miss. It was made specially.”

Reynaldo said, “No. I will try it. Let’s switch glasses.”

The woman gasped. “No, my lord. You can’t.”

“It is good enough for our honoured guest. Why isn’t it good enough for me?” He stood up and took the glass, bringing it to his lips.

There was a shout of “No!” from the door to the kitchen hall. A woman wearing an apron came out and tried to fight Reynaldo for the glass.

Syar was prickling with fury, so Ven got up and got close. He calmed and growled at the cook. “Ledi, Venetia is here as my guest. She will be fed well, clothed well, and made comfortable. Are you understanding me? She isn’t here to get between Reynaldo and me, so that is all you need to know, but you will understand one thing. If she weren’t next to me right now, you would be swimming for the mainland right now.”

The woman flinched. “Yes, Your Majesty. I am sorry. Rumours spurred when you had the queen’s quarters prepared.”

Reynaldo said, “It’s common knowledge that I share the king’s bed. This keeps Venetia where she needs to be so that she hears when she is needed.”

Understanding of Venetia’s purpose flared, and the cook said, “I am so sorry, miss. I thought you were something else. Is there anything I can do to apologize?”

Ven walked up to her and whispered in her ear.

“We don’t have any left. There are plenty of dishes on the table.”

Ven swallowed. “Everything smells different than I am used to. I just need some plain stuff. Is there any bread?”

“Bread, I have. Come with me.”

Ven nodded, and they left without being dismissed. They walked the twenty-foot hallway and then saw the staff were all sitting around a huge table and having dinner.

Everyone went silent, and Ven went to the bread and snitched a chunk of butter that she balanced on the one-pound loaf.

She headed back to the dining room and ignored the other two as she ate the heavy bread. It wasn’t meat, but it was pretty good.

Syar was surprised. “You are still hungry?”

Reynaldo told him, “Her senses are overloaded. The food smells good but tastes like she’s eating perfume. I was like that when I moved in with you. Remember?”

Syar snorted. “Yeah, all you would eat was grilled fish.” He frantically looked at the table and then went, “Fuck.”

Reynaldo patted him on his shoulder. “She’s a new addition. You have to learn what she needs.”

Ven said, “I won’t be here long enough for that to be necessary. I can just give the kitchen a list of the plain and boring food that I will be able to eat.”

The alpha got up and came around the table, looking at the back of her neck. He hissed. “It’s red.”

“It isn’t.” She was outraged.

“It is. I am your alpha, temporary as it may be, and your mark needs tending.”

He started licking, her nipples peaked in her wrap, and her belly pulled in. He shifted the strap that held her top in place, and she heard that purr that wasn’t a purr.

She looked over, and the purr was coming from Syar.

Reynaldo finished licking and stroked his fingers through her hair. “Such soft fluff.”

Ven smiled. “That changes tomorrow.”

Syar blinked. “What?”
