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Reynaldo murmured, “He is thinking long-term. He is looking past the moment, which is why the gaps are happening.”

She nodded. “I get it. Three hundred and sixty-two days to go.” It might have been off a day or two, but she was tired. She couldn’t remember what day it was.

Reynaldo’s hand was warm on her head and neck.

Rumbles around her woke her with a jolt. Reynaldo kissed her forehead and then her lips. Her heart was pounding, and she looked at Syar. “Oh, hello.”

He smiled. “We can head home now.”

She struggled to sit up and stand. A thick arm was around her waist.

“I can walk.” She was so sleepy.

Syar wrapped an arm around her waist and supported her. “I will help.”

They left the facility, got patted down at the entrance, and then were back on the pathway to the town. She didn’t stumble, but her eyes weren’t focusing. They returned to the residence, and once they were past the guards, Reynaldo picked her up and carried her to Syar’s office.

She was drifting in and out, but soon there was a thud, and she was on a very warm mattress that was breathing slowly. A blanket was put over her shoulders, and she was out.

* * * *

Syar spoke after a few minutes. “Is she really out?”

“Yeah, she’s exhausted.” Reynaldo sighed. “She made a good point. You made promises in the contract to take care of her clothes, and here you spent hours arranging jewellery that she doesn’t plan on being here to wear.”

Shock ripped through him. “What?”

“She’s counting down the days. Until she’s home. I don’t blame her. This is not the idyllic start you had planned.”

Syar blushed. “There was more to catch up on than I anticipated.”

“Yes, but you promised that you would take care of her clothing and chastised her for trying to dress in her own wear. So, that is one problem. Fix it.”

Syar blinked and opened and closed his mouth. “Right. Are you good to stay here with her?”

“Yes. She’s breathing slowly, but I think she’s down for the count.”

Syar smiled. “I am doing the interviews for a housekeeper today. Do we want to see if she will sleep through it?”

“I think it’s a good test to see how attentive the housekeeper can be to her.”

“Did you want to move to your chair?”

“No. She’s asleep on me and getting used to my body and scent. That should make tonight easier.”

Syar looked over, and Reynaldo stroked her hair softly. She snuffled softly, and a tiny rumble started to emanate from her body. Reynaldo grinned and looked toward Syar. He whispered, “She’s purring.”

Syar smiled and sent messages to the candidates. “First one will be here in twenty minutes. They have been warned there is someone resting in the office.” Syar frowned. “You think she wants to leave us?”

His alpha said, “I think she has been betrayed enough for several lifetimes. If she trusts us, she exposes her heart. She has done it several times in her life, and those she trusted have always betrayed the trust.”

“How do you know?”

“Her alpha betrayed her; that is enough to know. Add to that, her status as a foster child removed as a toddler from her mother for beatings. She has had few people to trust in her lifetime.” Reynaldo looked at him. “You have to hold to everything promised in the contract. Everything.”

“So, I have to send her home in seven weeks for her sister’s birthday?”

Reynaldo stroked her hair again. “Yes. She’ll come back.”
