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Syar whined, “I don’t want her to leave.”

“Syar, follow up on your inquiries from yesterday.”

“Oh. Right.” Syar went into several video calls, and when the twenty minutes were up, he paused his screen and called, “Come in!” He clapped his hand over his mouth, and Venetia just squirmed a little in place before she exhaled and dozed off again.

The first of the candidates came in, bowed, and glanced at the alpha and beta on the couch. “Is she all right, Your Majesty?”

Syar was frank. “She doesn’t sleep well with others in the bed. She’s exhausted.”

The candidate nodded with a blush on her cheeks. “Ah.”

Syar went through the duties and responsibilities of the housekeeper of the residence. She asked some questions; he asked some questions and made some notes.

He smiled and said, “I will be in touch.”

She smiled and left.

The next candidate arrived, and this time there was something different. When the man stepped in, he frowned. “Is she all right?”

Syar nodded. “Just tired.”

“She isn’t also dehydrated? Some of the mainlanders lose their thirst because of the humidity and then run into trouble in a few days.”

Syar blinked. “Right. I will get a pitcher of water for when she wakes up. She seems to drink well when it’s an option.”

The young man stood. “Pardon, Your Majesty.”

Syar nodded and started the questions and got interesting answers. He made notes and then promised to be in touch. He put a star next to Kane’s name, and now he was curious as to which of the other three candidates was going to show concern for his mate.

He also called for a pitcher of water and glasses. They arrived before the next candidate and were put aside on a shelf behind Syar’s desk. The rest of the interviews went along, but none of them asked about Venetia after they greeted Reynaldo.

When the last interview was over, he sat back and said, “Well, what do you think?”

“My vote is for Kane. He’s the only one who acted with care for Venetia.”

Syar nodded. “He has a good resume. He’s worked in the retirement facility, the hotel, and as a carriage driver. His grandmother works in the kitchen, and his sister is a housekeeper. All of his references say he is earnest and industrious... and he cares.”

“Three-month trial period?” Reynaldo murmured, “She’s waking up.”

“Sounds sensible.” Syar got her a glass of water and crouched next to her as she rubbed her eyes and pushed herself upright on Reynaldo’s chest.

She mumbled, “Sorry. Sleepy.”

He grinned as she pushed herself upright, making Reynaldo grunt. When she was sitting upright, he held the glass out for her, and she grabbed it and slugged the water down. It was gone in seconds. “More?”

She nodded. “Thanks.”

He smiled and brought the pitcher over. She drank the whole thing one cup at a time. Kane had been correct. That was another point in his favour.

She pushed the blanket down and blinked at them. “How long was I out?”

Syar took her hand. “Two hours.”

“Well, that is better than nothing.” She looked at him and Reynaldo smiling. “What did I miss?”

“We interviewed the housekeepers. We think we picked one.” Syar set her glass aside.

She nodded and blinked sleepily at him. “Good.”
