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Reynaldo came around and hugged them both. “Well, unless she slows down, she’s going to be here in a month. We need to get her room ready.”

Syar smiled slowly. “I just needed the colour scheme. The orders are ready.”

Reynaldo smirked. “Artisans are already lined up?”


He opened an email draft while they stood there, and he typed in,It’s a Girl!He hit send, and the island kicked into gear.


Ven watched as the carriage approached. The high-pitched squeals of excited children could be heard, and Edgar and Janie calmed them down, so they didn’t upset the horses.

Nova was standing next to her, and she said, “They are going into the bunkhouse?”

“The guesthouse. Yes. It’s a requirement that the kids need separate space away from unvetted adults.”

“Right. Forgot about that. Incoming!”

Ven was hugged by nine little people and then squeezed by Edgar and Janie.

Edgar looked at her abdomen. “You aren’t...”

She rushed to assure him. “She’s fine. Big and healthy and with her daddy.”

Janie looked at her. “You don’t look like you have given birth in the past month.”

“The healing is really quick. Now, let’s get everyone changed and hit the beach. Penny and her bunch are already down there.”

“Then, let’s go. Oh, and where are these mates of yours?”

“In the residence. We have clothing for you in the guesthouse, but I warn you that public nudity is common on the beach. We have cordoned off an area if you want to use it.”

“We might. Thanks for thinking of it.”

“No problem. We want them to have fun.” She paused. “Oh. Shit. This is Nova. She’s my bodyguard. We met at the book club.”

“Oh, right.”

Nova smiled. “I just bumped into someone at Sea World.”

An older woman was following. Ven walked up to her. “Hello. You are the social worker?”

“Yes. Kelly Pritt. You are?” She was wearing a suit, and she was going to melt.


The woman checked her notes. “Oh.Oh.Your Highness.”

“Ah. Right. Keep forgetting about that. Well, we have you in accommodations in the residence, about twenty metres from the guesthouse. Breakfast usually has a lot of fruit, which is astonishingly fresh, but until you get used to it, stay within view of a restroom.”

Kelly laughed.

Ven stared at her.

“Oh, you weren’t joking.”

A demanding little wail came from the residence. “Come with me. I will show you your room.”
